Motivate Election Commission officials and prepare to receive friction in selecting senators.

Internal Affairs

Election Commission, “Sawaeng” raises morale and encourages Election Commission officials to prepare for friction in arranging the selection of Senators. It is found that there are signs from the behavior of various groups hoping to “postpone or fail the selection”.

The reporter reported that Mr. Sawaeng Bunmee, Secretary-General of the Election Commission, sent a message in the internal LINE application of the Election Commission Office to all employees and officials of the Election Commission, saying that they should be ready to deal with the friction from the duty of selecting senators. The content stated That the Election Commission brothers and sisters have another 6 days until the day of selecting district level senators. From now on, there may be more friction that will occur with our work. Whether it’s heavy or light, it depends on the day-to-day situation from now on.

Considering past circumstances and movements including receiving information from many aspects There have always been signs that Si
nce the Royal Decree to select Senators, there will always be more intense friction. The force of friction may be shaped according to the characteristics and behavior of various groups of people. related with political motivation and even though there was no political motivation It can be classified into Model 1, “postponing or dragging” the selection of Senators, Model 2 “falling” from the selection of Senators, and Model 3, “selecting” but pressuring to achieve the desired results. But no matter what form I hope it’s just a prediction. Don’t let it actually happen. Because if it actually happens, it will definitely not be beneficial to the country.

‘But no matter what. If it were to actually happen, it would likely only be the needs of some groups of people. I think we handled this matter diplomatically. If someone really thought about doing this. We must prevent this from happening. Because the country will be damaged. I think we can handle this kind of matter with ease, calmly, with awareness, using wisd
om, and having goals with good intentions for the nation. We must definitely succeed,’ Mr. Sawang stated, and also sent encouragement to all employees that the office would monitor this matter at all times. To provide protection from rain and storms for all employees. May you work for the nation with peace of mind.

Source: Thai News Agency