Ministry urges fish medicine producers to have certification


Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) urged fish medicine producers to obtain a Good Fish Medicine Manufacturing Practice (CPOIB) certificate and register their products.The Ministry’s Director General of Aquaculture Tb Haeru Rahayusaid that the registered fish medicine must go through a series of tests and evaluations to meet the requirements for safety, quality, and efficacy, as well as the competitiveness of fishery products. “Everything is in the framework of ensuring the quality of fish medicationthat is safe for fish, the environment, and humans. In the end, the aquaculture products can meet food safety requirements,” Rahayusaid in a statement received here on Sunday. He said that with various types and purposes of using fish medicine in fish farming, the community and stakeholders must control the supply, distribution, and use of fish medicine. “One of the requirements for obtaining a fish medicine registration number is quality testing by an accredited domestic laboratory. The ministry has provided easy procedures and registration as our effort to help fish medicine producers to register their products,” he said. Rahayunoted that the Serang Fish and Environmental Health Testing Center (BPKIL) is the only Technical Implementation Unit of the Directorate General of Aquaculture that can conduct tests on the feasibility of quality, efficacy, and safety of fish medication. The Head of BPKIL Serang Toha Tusihadthen explained the strategic role of BPKIL Serang as a national reference laboratory with a scope of work such as preparing test methods, testing/confirming diagnoses, implementing proficiency tests, and biorepository laboratories. Previously, the KKP Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said that BPKIL Serang was one of the pillars of the KKP as a national reference laboratory. Its duties range from fish diseases, fish medicine, residues, and fish feed to the aquaculture environment. “This laboratory is important to anticipate all diseases in fishes, including in aquaculture or in general,” he added. baca-jugaRelated news: Bekasi government launches free vaccination drive for pets Related news: Southeast Asian pet and animal brands take 2021 World Branding Awards by storm

Source: Antara News Agency