Minister of Industry is confident that Thailand will be the center of Thai automobiles. Definitely going to the top ten in the world.


Bangkok, Daily News” joins in checking Thai automobiles to be among the world’s top ten, organizing a big event to kick off the Year of the Golden Dragon. “Daily News Talk 2024” checks the readiness of Thai automobiles. Towards the world’s top ten in a sustainable manner, with the Minister of Industry confident that Thailand is ready to be an automotive center to the world’s top ten. Emphasizing that the government is moving forward fully to push Thailand to become a producer of right-hand drive electric cars, it will definitely happen soon.

Mr. Paramet Hetrakul, Executive Director of Daily News and Daily News Online newspapers Revealed that on the occasion of the Daily News’ 60th anniversary on March 28, 2024, as a mass media that has been with Thai society for a long time. Has organized activities for the public benefit in a variety of formats, including organizing a seminar “Dailynews Talk 2024” (Dailynews Talk 2024)) to disseminate knowledge and directions of the automotive industry in Thailand under the
topic ‘Check the readiness of Thai vehicles To…Top Ten World Sustainable’ Ms. Pimpatra Wichaikul, Minister of Industry, presided over the opening of the event and gave a speech on the topic. ‘Thai automotive strategy To…Top Ten World’ and there will be a forum on the topic

‘Where will the future of combustion cars and EVs go? ‘There were participants in the discussion, including Mr. Suwat Suphakandechakul. President of the Thai Automotive Industry Association, Mr. Kritsada Uttamote, President of the Thai Electric Vehicle Association and Mr. Phongsak Lertruedeewattanawong Deputy Managing Director of MG Sales (Thailand) Co., Ltd. who will come to share ideas and perspectives. and the future of the Thai automotive industry in a comprehensive manner, whether it be combustion vehicles or electric cars.

However, this discussion There are policy makers and automotive experts will come to provide knowledge and news modification What will the future direction of the Thai and global automotive industry be like? and i
n the case of Thai automotive business operators How are you ready to change in order to move towards sustainable growth? I believe that all of this will be quite beneficial to the listeners.

‘Daily News’ as a mass media that has been with Thailand for a long time I would like to continue to perform my duty as a media reporter and present the facts honestly. By making a promise that “Daily News” will continue to act as the main media institution of the country, adhering to the principles of “trust, sustainability, alongside the Thai people” and with the name associated with it. Forwarding policies of the public and private sectors Make every sector of society aware Access to the experience and expertise of the Daily News. Thank you to all sectors that have always and forever supported the Daily News. In addition to the forum ‘Thai automotive strategy To….Top Ten World’ today, Daily News also has ‘Daily News Talk’ on interesting topics this year, another 5 stages, including a discussion stage on Sustainable,
on Action for change, Now for a change Which will be held on April 1, 2024. The real estate discussion stage is still stuck!! Waiting for the day the government supports it, a forum on which way to take the compass of Thai industry?, a forum on living an easy life in a way that saves the world, and a forum on changing the face of Thai tourism will never be the same. as well,’ Mr. Paramet said.

Ms. Pimpatra Wichaikul, Minister of Industry, said that over the past 20 years, the automotive industry has been considered one of the three main pillars driving the economy of Thailand. Until becoming a production base for automobiles for export around the world with champion products such as pickup trucks and eco-cars by 2022 Thailand has a total automobile production of 1.9 million vehicles, ranking 10th in the world and 1st in ASEAN, with a total export value of approximately 1.07 trillion baht. Important is the automotive industry. Its distinctive feature is that it has a strong parts supply chain that extends thr
oughout the country.

Nowadays, all major car brands have set up factories to produce and assemble cars in Thailand, especially in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), making Thailand the automotive hub of the region. As a result, the automotive industry plays an important role in driving the Thai economy in terms of investment and employment. Creating added value and exports. However, the latest statistical data indicates that the Thai automotive industry has reached a saturation point. That is, during the past 10 years, the production volume of automobiles has been relatively stable, not exceeding 2 million vehicles, divided into almost all domestic sales. 1 million cars, the rest for export In addition, it is faced with various changes, including changes in technology such as automatic driving. Including environmental changes, which around the world have a common goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Especially carbon dioxide (CO2) which is used in electric cars or EVs.

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‘I firmly believe that The Thai automotive industry will be able to return to being a rising tiger and emerge among the top ten automotive production bases. and electric vehicles in the world along with economic growth and preserving this beautiful world Ready t
o pass it on to the next generation, Ms. Pimpatra Said.

Source: Thai News Agency