Minister of Commerce confirms 2 stocks of rice in Surin Province for 10 years “will not rot – can be eaten – can be sold”

Internal Affairs

University of Phayao, “Bhoomtham” Minister of Commerce confirms that 2 stocks of rice in Surin Province will last 10 years “not rotten – edible – can be sold”, rushing to inspect other stocks. to put out for sale

Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Speaking before an official Cabinet meeting off-site in Phayao Province, he went to Surin Province to inspect rice stocks kept in the rice pledging project for 10 years that were complained of as spoiled rice. Went to inspect two warehouses storing rice in the rice pledging project: Poonphon Trading Co., Ltd., behind 4 Muang District, and Kittichai Warehouse, behind 2 Prasat District, following complaints that there was a total of approximately 120,000 rice. bags, but the warehouse was locked. Makes workers unable to go to work And from inspecting the rice in each sack, it was found that There is also the tip of the rice germ. The rice grains are slightly yellow. They brought the said rice to test cooking. Still smells good. T
he rice also has rubber, making it a good quality rice that can be eaten. Therefore, all checks do not match what was complained.

During the inspection, pictures were recorded of every step of the inspection to demonstrate transparency. If you rush to sell it, you can still get a price. Because the market price is good. They must be clearly inspected again before being sold. And there will be money to be returned to the owners of the mills and warehouses. Including paying the warehouse rent that is still outstanding. The remaining money can still be returned to the government. Because the rice in the warehouse is considered government property. But if left in the warehouse it will cause problems. He will go to check in other warehouses where rice is kept in stock for the pledging project. To consider before putting it out for sale.

Source: Thai News Agency