Lt. Col. Thammanat confirms ‘Half-Half Fertilizer’ does not lock specifications

Internal Affairs

Government House, Lt. Col. Thammanat, Minister of Agriculture, points out that the half-and-half fertilizer project must ask farmers’ opinions, confirms that the specifications are not locked, opens opportunities for all companies to join the project, explains that the subsidy of 1,000 baht per rai has not been cancelled, and assistance will still be provided if a crisis occurs.

Colonel Thammanat Prompao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, said about the Half-Half Fertilizer Project that it is the agreement of the National Rice Policy Committee, which is a request of farmers. Therefore, it has been presented to the Cabinet meeting. After this, the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, through the Rice Department, will set up a joint committee with the Ministry of Commerce. Whether farmers want it or not depends on whether the Bank for Agriculture and Cooperatives or BAAC opens registration for farmers to see if they are interested in this project or not. This must be looked at, not forced or forc
ed on farmers. Whether farmers want it or not, it must be separated because some people have criticized that it is adding to the burden on farmers. Farmers who are not ready do not join the project. It is not forced. Once farmers have registered, they still have to go to the BAAC application, which will not send money through the government system. But most importantly, many people think that there is a lock on the specifications, lock on the fertilizer formula, or lock on the company. But this matter is open to all companies to join the project by registering through the Department of Agriculture, which is the agency that inspects the quality of fertilizers. It is a matter of developing the quality of agricultural products such as rice.

The part that farmers want 1,000 baht per rai is not for the half-and-half fertilizer. It is the part that the government subsidizes for farmers who are having problems due to low crop prices, drought, and floods. It is separate from the half-and-half fertilizer project, whi
ch is still in place if there is a crisis for farmers.

As for the case in which the Prime Minister ordered a review of the half-and-half fertilizer project last week, Colonel Thammanat stated that it was a step that prevented government agencies from seeking benefits, so that farmers could get fertilizer to improve the quality of their rice.

In the past, the government announced that when the fertilizer project for each person is implemented, the 1,000 baht per rai subsidy will be cancelled. Colonel Thammanat stated that it is a combination of the two issues. If the fertilizer project for each person is implemented but farmers are still suffering from natural disasters, it is normal for the government to provide assistance.

Source: Thai News Agency