“Jessada” points out that if the election of the Senate is invalid, it is because of cheating.

Internal Affairs

Jessada” slams the election of the Senate as being chaotic because of bad people who accept money and collude at every level. He points out that if it is invalid, it is because of cheating. He asks people not to look down on people who have completed Primary 4 as they are not inferior to PhDs.

Mr. Jessada Tonawanik, President of the Law Faculty of Asia Graduate School, as a former advisor to the Constitution Drafting Committee, said about the selection of new senators that in terms of legal provisions, the Constitutional Court has already pointed out that the Organic Act on the Origin of Senators B.E. 2561 does not conflict with the Constitution B.E. 2562. In the self-election system, it is like a competition. Therefore, the committee must perform their duties strictly, such as not allowing the introduction of cheat sheets into the polling station, including communication devices, mobile phones, and must be monitored at all times. If any suspicious behavior is found, the right to vote must be disqualified a
nd the person must file a complaint with the Supreme Court. However, the most important problem is that ‘bad people’ collude and cheat in the election. No matter how good the system is, there will be problems. Personally, I think that to solve the problem, the people must help each other, but there is probably no system that can filter out all bad people. Therefore, in the end, no matter who comes to work, they must help each other check. Anyone who does bad things, twists sides to favor one side or is connected to a political party, including influential people who do not prioritize the benefits of the country but rely on the benefits of their associates, must be dealt with.

Mr. Jessada admitted that this system still has problems. Therefore, if this system is to be revised, it should be changed to a 3-level selection on the same day, in the same place, to reduce lobbying. Because after the first round of selection is finished, no one will know who the finalists are. But if the information is leaked, they w
ill have to go after them, which should come from the officials. At the same time, he thinks that the determination of 20 occupational groups is too little. It may have to be increased to 30-40 groups, which needs to be adjusted. But please do not think that the system is bad and change it to ballot voting. It is too short-sighted. Because once the system has been created, it should be adjusted.

As for the loopholes that allowed a large number of politicians to enter, Mr. Jessada stated that from the information he knew, money was spent to hire candidates from the beginning, 5,000 baht, and the application fee was 2,500 baht. In the cross-level, money was also taken with them. At the provincial level, the first round of selection was 10,000 baht, and the cross-level was 50,000 baht. At the national level, the self-election round was 100,000 baht, and the cross-election round was 500,000 baht. He could not confirm whether this information was true or not. However, if it was true, it would be a disadvantage th
at reflected that politics was still a matter of interests, and the people still could not follow up on it. The people who were the problem were those involved in the process of selecting the senators who received tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of baht. Don’t blame the process, but everyone who received money, everyone who cheated, who were in the same party, who colluded, were part of what made the system bad. Therefore, he said that you are bad people.

Mr. Jessada also noted the power of the Senate to select independent organization committee members, including the president of the court, which was not explained, not questioned, and not investigated. For example, there was a proposal of a person to be considered in the parliamentary process. There should have been an inquiry into how they got there, what their knowledge was, and whether it was disclosed to the public. However, when there was no such process, it sometimes felt contradictory, which caused problems in the country.

As for the obse
rvation that those elected as senators do not have the qualifications to be in the upper house, should this election be voided or not? Mr. Jessada said that if this election is to be voided, it should happen because 200-300 people who were elected cheated or entered the election improperly. But if looking at it in terms of knowledge and experience, if they are not yet qualified, then they should not be cut off just like that. They should wait and see their work first. Do not think that someone who finishes grade 4 will be able to do less than a doctorate. Sometimes, someone who finishes a doctorate cannot do anything. Some people did not study but can understand and learn things quickly. But what is necessary is to provide understanding about working in the parliament, politics, both the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, in order to support the senators to perform their duties appropriately. He did not know if there were blue, red, or orange senators, but if there was no collusion or cheating, th
en any group can come.

Source: Thai News Agency