Indonesia spends nearly 500 million USD on easing congestion in capital city


The Jakarta provincial administration has allocated 6.9 trillion Rp (446.9 million USD) in the 2024 city budget to curb traffic congestion in the capital city by improving public transportation.

Most of the budget, or 4.9 trillion Rp, will be used for public service obligation (PSO) and curbing illegal parking and traffic control, Jakarta Transportation Agency head Syafrin Liputo was quoted by local media as saying.

Liputo said the city administration was focusing on improving the quality and quantity of public transportation in Jakarta to provide safety and convenience for the public.

The City Council on November 15 endorsed a bylaw draft on the 2024 regional budget worth 81.71 trillion Rp, and asked the city administration to use the budget to control the congestion in the capital city. This congestion management was set as one of the provincial administration’s priority programmes in 2024.

In addition to congestion management, other priority programmes directly affecting Jakarta citizens include manag
ing floods, reducing stunting, alleviating poverty, accelerating economic growth and strengthening democratic values.

Deputy Speaker of the City Council Khoirudin said that it will also monitor the priority programmes next year./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency