Inadequate human resources, budget challenges to SDG data provision

Internal Affairs Trading

Inadequate human resources and budget are two challenges to the provision of data on the sustainable development goals (SDGs), according to the head of Statistics Indonesia (BPS), Margo Yuwono.

“The unavailability of adequate human resources and budget, both in ministries and agencies and in regions, are challenges to SDG data provision,” he said during the “Dissemination of Presidential Regulation Number 111 of 2022” event here on Tuesday.

Yet another challenge that Indonesia is facing in SDG data provision is the lack of optimal collaboration between stakeholders, he added.

In addition, the disaggregation of statistics for describing specific trends in sub-populations has also become a challenge to providing SDG data.

The BPS head emphasized that solutions to those challenges must be found, including through basic statistical innovation and collaboration, such as the use of big data, because data has a vital role in the development process—from planning, implementation, to monitoring.

According to him, the role of data is vital, especially in monitoring efforts that have been made by the government and the public. “It needs to be supported by accurate data so that the achievements of various programs can be evaluated,” he said.

He further noted that monitoring needs the collaboration of various parties, starting from planning, collecting, to providing data.

“For that reason, a national statistics governance is needed, which regulates how the roles and tasks are divided in providing data,” he said.

At Tuesday’s event, National Development Planning Minister Suharso Monoarfa highlighted that 135 indicators or 63 percent of the total 216 indicators of the 2021–2024 national program for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been achieved.

The 216 SDG indicators comprise 59 social pillar indicators, 75 economic pillar indicators, 54 environmental pillar indicators, as well as 28 legal and governance pillar indicators, he informed.

Meanwhile, the 135 indicators whose targets have been achieved comprised 31 social pillar indicators, 47 economic pillar indicators, 42 environmental pillar indicators, as well as 15 legal and governance pillar indicators.

Source: Antara News

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