I believe the cabinet adjustment will not escalate.

Internal Affairs

King Prajadhipok’s Institute, “Chusak” believes Cabinet adjustments will not escalate the conflict. We can talk. “Panpree” resigns without affecting the party. I agree with the Prime Minister. show apologetic spirit

Mr. Chusak Sirinil, Deputy Leader of the Pheu Thai Party Referring to Cabinet reshuffle (Cabinet), Settha 1/1 said that the power to reshuffle the Cabinet is the power and duty of the Prime Minister. I understand that we must have already thought and discussed it together. But listening to the news means that there may be a misunderstanding in terms of position adjustment. But in politics, everyone must understand why this is the case and what reasons. and try to talk to understand It is likely that the Prime Minister, party leaders, ministers, and party secretaries must work together to solve problems so that they do not escalate in the future.

‘I think it is the effort of the party executives, which the Prime Minister gave an interview to explain. While Mr. Panpree Phithanukon has now stated
his reasons. They know the problems and help each other talk and understand so that the government administration can move forward. It is believed that the situation is unlikely to escalate. Just acknowledge what problems have occurred. It depends on understanding each other. The Pheu Thai Party must try to talk and understand each other,’ Mr. Chusak said.

Will it affect the image of the party or not? Because it has just been graciously received and immediately resigned. Mr. Chusak said that it was all he could think about, but politics is like this. It is a matter of managing the satisfaction of all parties. When we see that it is a problem, we talk and understand each other. The Prime Minister has shown the spirit of apologizing. which he agreed with the apology.

Source: Thai News Agency