Government officials join in mourning the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce


Ministry of Commerce officials paid farewell to the Permanent Secretary of Commerce in front of the office on the 10th floor and signed a message of remembrance before in the evening some government officials will join in the merit-making ceremony to chant the Abhidhamma for Mr. Keerati Ratchano. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce The family would like to notify that they will not receive merit-making envelopes. They can join in making merit for Father Chan by donating money. Ramathibodi Foundation To raise funds to build Ramathibodi Hospital.

Reporters report on the atmosphere in the area in front of the office on the 10th floor of the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce. There was a picture of Mr. Keerati Ratchano, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce who died suddenly on April 19th, and in the adjacent area a table with notebooks and flowers was placed so that government officials under the ministry could come. Write a message to remember the good deeds of the Perman
ent Secretary of Commerce and in the evening there will be a funeral ceremony and a merit-making ceremony to chant the Abhidhamma of Mr. Keerati Ratchano, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce at Sala Sarath-Nalini Rattanawadi, Royal Thai Air Force Crematorium. Wat Phra Si Mahathat Woramahawihan, Bang Khen District, Bangkok But because Mr. Keerati Ratchano has dedicated his body to medical education for medical students at Chakri Naruebodindra Medical Institute. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University Make this work schedule No body will be brought to the ceremony. Instead, they use their hair and nails to drag holy water lines.

In this regard, the host wife, sons and daughters have scheduled a merit-making ceremony to chant the Abhidhamma for Mr. Keerati Ratchano, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce. On Monday, April 22, 2024, it was reported that at 4:00 p.m., Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Co
mmerce, along with executives of the Ministry of Commerce, including Mr. Jurin Thalaksanawisit The former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce and former executives of the Ministry of Commerce and the private sector will participate in the funeral ceremony and at 6:00 p.m. chant the Abhidhamma and on Tuesday the 23rd – Friday, April 26, 2024

at 6:00 p.m. the Buddhist prayer. Abhidhamma every night

However, the family would like to inform everyone. We would like to ask for permission to stop accepting merit making envelopes. Everyone can join in making merit for Father Chan. By joining in donating money Ramathibodi Foundation To raise funds to build Ramathibodi Hospital. and Yothi Innovation District which we have arranged The Ramathibodi Foundation has set up tables to accept donations at the Abhidhamma prayer ceremony at 3 points. You can pay in cash, scan QR Code, credit card, check payable to Ramathibodi Foundation for donations. The Foundation can issue a receipt for

Tax deduction possible 2

Source: Thai News Agency