Foreign Minister receives leader of Belgium’s Flanders region


Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son hosted a reception in Hanoi on September 12 for Jan Jambon, visiting Minister-President of the Government of the Belgian region of Flanders.

Son welcomed the Flanders leader and a delegation of 30 large Belgian firms to Vietnam on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations and 5-year bilateral strategic partnership in agriculture.

The Vietnamese FM affirmed that Vietnam always values and is keen on bolstering the comprehensive partnership with Belgium and its regions.

For his part, Jambon spoke highly of the role and position of Vietnam in the region and the world as well as the country’s efforts in improving its investment and business environment and Vietnam’s socio-economic achievements after COVID-19 pandemic.

Flanders considers Vietnam a priority partner in the region, he underlined, suggesting many potential areas for bilateral cooperation in the time to come, including strong fields in Flanders such as logistics, transport, agriculture and training.

The two sides shared delight at the effective delegation exchanges and meetings not only at federal but also regional and community levels. They hailed the efficiency of collaboration between Vietnam and Belgium in general and Vietnam and Flanders in particular, especially projects in areas of industrial parks, seaports, renewable energy, and agriculture.

Son held that economic cooperation is an important pillar in the Vietnam-Belgium partnership, and thanked Flanders for ratifying the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA). The minister proposed that Flanders hasten the Belgian Federal Parliament to approve the EVIPA at an earlier date.

He also expressed hope that Belgium will advise the European Commission to remove the “yellow card” on Vietnamese seafood exports.

Vietnam is working toward cooperation in areas of electronic chip production, renewable energy, digital transformation, and smart agriculture, he said. Son suggested that the Belgian region strengthen cooperation with the International Mekong River Commission in the development, management and sustainable and effective use of Mekong River water resources.

Jambon noted his support for Vietnam in strengthening the comprehensive partnership with the EU and pledged to prompt the Belgium Federal Parliament to approve the EVIPA. He pledged that Flanders will continue to share experience with and support the Mekong River Commission in dealing with current challenges./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency