FDA advises how to buy and use oral care products for good health


Every 20 March is ‘World Oral Health Day’ FDA invites you to take care of your oral health. for good health Revealing how to choose, buy and use oral care products. and advises not to believe in false information on online media

Pharmacist Veerachai Nalawachai, Deputy Secretary-General of the Food and Drug Administration, said that the World Dental Federation It has been set for March 20 of every year. It is World Oral Health Day (World Oral Health Day) to make people aware of good oral health care. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would like to recommend methods for purchasing oral care products used in daily life, including toothpaste and mouthwash. The main ingredients of toothpaste include tooth powder, foaming agents, coloring agents, preservatives, and moisturizing agents. viscosity increasing agent Toothpaste that contains fluoride should be used in children under 6 years of age. Use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste and be supervised by an adult while brushing their teeth. For mouthwash product
s Use it to suck in your mouth. Helps reduce bad breath. Make your breath smell fresh. It is not recommended to use mouthwash as a replacement for brushing your teeth. and should not be used in children under 6 years of age because they cannot yet control swallowing well. Consumers should choose to purchase from a reliable source. The container is tightly closed. There is a complete label in Thai. Specify the notification receipt number. And you should strictly follow the warnings on the label.

Deputy Secretary-General of the FDA added that In the past, advertisements have been found online regarding oral care products, such as toothpaste that makes teeth grow. Toothpaste for treating loose teeth Mouthwash breaks up tartar, treats loose teeth, tooth decay, cures internal heat, and mouth odor spray that helps kill COVID-19. We would like to inform consumers not to be fooled. It’s a fraudulent advertisement. If you have problems within your mouth, you should consult your dentist. However, if you find an advert
isement for a health product that exaggerates its benefits or you have been harmed by using a health product, you can complain to the FDA hotline at 1556 or E-mail: 1556@fda.moph.go.th or P.O. Box. . 1556 P.O.F., Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi Province 11004 and Provincial Public Health Offices throughout the country.

Source: Thai News Agency