environmental fund with sustainable resource management


26 Jun – Natural Resources and the Environment of Thailand tends to deteriorate rapidly which affects biodiversity The wildlife population is declining. The forest area was destroyed. As the population increases land use change Environmentally destructive production processes and resource overuse This makes solving environmental problems more complex and challenging. The government therefore has set up a stable financial mechanism. who will come to support the sustainable management of natural resources and the country’s environment And there is a good governance called “environmental fund”

What is an environmental fund?

“Environmental Fund” is a working capital. It was established in the Ministry of Finance under the Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act B.E. Local government organizations (LAO), state enterprises, private sector, environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the operation of promoting and preserving the quality of the environment and natural resources of the country. under the management of the Environment Fund Committee With the approval of the National Environment Board to manage or provide air treatment, waste water and waste disposal systems for controlling, treating and eliminating pollution. including the promotion and conservation of environmental quality In principle, the polluter pays. by providing financial support both in the form of subsidies and loans The Comptroller General’s Department is the custodian of the fund’s money and assets. and proceed with the disbursement of the environmental fund under this Act

“Environment Fund” has an initial fund of 5,000 million baht from working capital for improving the environment and quality of life in the amount of 500 million baht and 4,500 million baht from the fuel fund. for another 1,250 million baht and 350 million baht, as well as requesting loan support from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) in the amount of 2,718 million baht. bank loan interest and service fees or fines collected from the operation of the central wastewater system or the government’s total waste disposal system that will be received each year (Local government organizations that receive funding from the environment fund must return) as part of the income that will be used for the purpose of the established law as well.

Where does the environment fund earn money?

The environment fund earns its income from the fuel fund. Working capital for environment development and quality of life Service charges and fines collected under this Act government subsidies Money or other assets received from the private sector both inside and outside the country. foreign government or international organizations and money from interest and any benefits arising from this fund

Important achievements of the Environment Fund in the past 3 years

In the past 3 years, the “Environment Fund” has supported money to target groups in the form of subsidies and loans. to carry out pollution management projects and management of natural resources and the environment as follows

For the fiscal year 2021,

support local administrative organizations (LAO) in all 75 provinces, totaling 632 locations, implementing a project to promote community participation in waste separation at source. To create a model community for sorting waste at source At least 1 village/community and the amount of waste to be disposed of After the project implementation, not less than 35% of the amount of waste generated in the model village/community was reduced before the project started.

Fiscal Year 2022

– Solve forest fire and smog problems By supporting the Provincial Natural Resources and Environment Office (Natural Resources and Environment Office) in 17 northern provinces and 3 northeastern provinces, totaling 69 projects, implementing the fuel management project “Ching collect, reduce burning”, with a total budget of more than 66 million baht, duration of the project is 1 year. (February 1, 2021 – January 31, 2022) to store fuel for at least 1,300 tons of fuel and reduce hot spots by at least 20 percent.

– Supporting a network of volunteers protecting natural resources and the environment of villages (Bor Sor Sor.) 47 locations in 16 northern provinces To implement a project to promote the participation of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration network in managing forest fire and haze problems, with a total budget of 23.4 million baht, project implementation period 1 year 6 months (March 1, 2021 – August 31, 2022) to manage fires. 300,000 rai of forest and smog, a 600-kilometer buffer line, planting 70,000 trees to increase green space, 190 networks of forest fire surveillance, and 130 plans, rules and regulations for forest fire management.

Fiscal year 2023

– Supporting the volunteer network for natural resources and village environment protection (BHV) across the country, including 95 areas, with a total budget of 47.5 million baht, to implement projects to promote the network of the NHV in the operation of Khok Nong Na model and sustainable agriculture. The duration of the project is 2 years (October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2024) to create a sustainable agricultural area in line with the Khok Nong Na Model, totaling 1,548 rai, including creating more green space from planting 174,575 trees. 474,675 aquatic animals and terrestrial animals create biodiversity in the farms fertility in the agricultural ecosystem, improved soil, water and air quality from the reduction of the use of agricultural chemicals by more than 101 tons; and more than 477 tons of organic fertilizers

-Support Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) operates a potential development project for the Provincial Natural Resources and Environment Office (Natural Resources and Environment Office) across the country to develop a plan for climate change. Provincial-level climate, total budget 88.9 million baht, project duration 2 years (November 1, 2022 – October 31, 2024) to prepare greenhouse gas data reports and greenhouse gas reduction plans at the provincial level. and prepare a risk profile report from climate change to determine adaptation measures and prepare action plans at the local level as well as developing the potential of the NGOs’ personnel to be able to follow up and evaluate the results of the province’s greenhouse gas reduction measures and be able to prepare a report on the risks of climate change impacts.

Over the past 31 years, the Environmental Fund has served as Thailand’s financial mechanism. in promoting and supporting the protection and preservation of environmental quality both defensive operational forms as well as proactively driving important government policies It has also adjusted the direction of operations in accordance with the situation. and support important policies of the country, adjusting the project consideration process and give advice on project development so that the project can continue with efficiency and continuity This will result in achieving the goal of pollution management as well as being able to strengthen the management of natural resources at the area level. through a strong and stable community participation process To build a base for local and national development in the long term.

Source: Thai News Agency