Election Commission secretary doesn’t want to decide right or wrong. Digital Wallet Source

Internal Affairs

MCOT, “Secretary of the Election Commission” does not want to give an opinion on right or wrong. The source of the digital wallet money is not accurate after the NACC report was leaked, indicating that all governments did not complete their campaign policies. Said he has the authority to consider only legal matters.

Mr. Sawaeng Bunmee, Secretary-General of the Election Commission (EC), gave an interview regarding the government’s digital wallet project. at the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) commented that The source of the money changes by issuance. about the 500 Billion Baht Loan Act that he only knew about in the news, which the Election Commission must do according to law Along with stating that before the campaign, there were more than 756 projects like this with a total budget of 70 trillion baht. At that time, we only looked at whether it was against the election law or not. such as promising to give Or is it considered a scam or not? Is it true or not? It will be determined
by the use of the national budget or not. And is it within your authority to do it or not? Including whether it is possible to do it or not. But did not consider whether it was good or bad. Which is good or bad is a matter for the people. Because the party has already provided information to the voters, the Election Commission will consider only legal matters. When the election passed Suggestions that are not accurate In the past, every government had a project that they campaigned for. Sometimes I don’t do it at all. Sometimes things are done differently from what was campaigned for, which the Election Commission has to look at. What can the law allow us to do? We have to look at whether the government did only part of the policy, did not do anything at all, or did not comply with the law or not. He emphasized that the Election Commission cannot go beyond the law.

However, Mr. Sawaeng stated that he could not answer. The source of the money in the digital wallet project Is it different from the previous cam
paign? Before repeating that In the consideration stage of the Election Commission, only where the money will be spent will be considered. Where does the money come from? Is what you’re doing within your authority? But when someone comes to complain, one must consider how much power the Election Commission has under the law.

When asked whether the Election Commission would send its opinion to the government or not, Mr. Sawang confirmed that the Election Commission has no duty to make decisions. or give an opinion There must be legal facts. Then the decision will be made and cannot be given an opinion first.

Source: Thai News Agency