DandC monitors the effects of a chemical tank fire in Rayong Province.


Rayong, The Director-General of the Energy Regulatory Commission revealed that officials were sent to monitor and follow up on the environmental impacts of a fire in a chemical tank at the Map Ta Phut Industrial Port. At this time, the fire control officers are in the process of controlling the fire. Recently there was an announcement Level 2 emergency , with people evacuated to safety. As for the results of measuring air quality in the community surrounding the incident, No toxic chemical vapors have been found yet.

Ms. Preeyaporn Suwannakes, Director-General of the Pollution Control Department (PDC), said that a team of support personnel has been sent to respond to an emergency chemical accident from a fire in a chemical tank of Map Ta Phut Tank Terminal Co., Ltd. at the port. Map Ta Phut Industry, Rayong Province, by DandC officials. Follow the situation closely to monitor environmental impacts. At this time, the relevant officials are in the process of suppressing the incident.

Now that a level 2 state
of emergency has been declared, the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) has ordered the Map Ta Phut Industrial Port Office (IEAT) and the Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate Office (IEAT), Rayong Province, to evacuate employees of factory establishments. Everyone immediately left the incident area.

In this regard, the DandC has measured the air quality in the communities surrounding the incident area, which has not found any hazardous chemical vapors. If the fire is extinguished then the scene of the incident can be inspected.

As for the level of severity of chemical disasters, they are divided into 4 levels according to the severity of the event as follows:

Level 1 Disaster events from chemicals that are not life-threatening. Environment and minor assets Spills or fires are contained within the containment boundary. No public evacuation.

Level 2 Disaster events from chemicals that are dangerous and have a greater impact on life, the environment, and property. The leak or fire spread to nearby areas.
People were evacuated from the area, but not much.

Level 3 Disaster events from chemicals that are dangerous and affect life, the environment, and property. It is necessary to evacuate a large area of ??people.

Level 4 Disaster events from chemicals that are dangerous and have a serious impact on life, the environment, and property. Use an expert a lot of manpower Use special tools and equipment

The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) stated that the governor of Rayong Province had commanded the incident to control a fire inside a C-9 (nine) chemical tank, aromatic group of Map Ta Phut Tank Terminal Company. ALL Co., Ltd., which is located in the area of ??the Map Ta Phut Industrial Port Office (ATI), Road I 8, Map Ta Phut Subdistrict, Mueang Rayong District, Rayong Province, as the province has announced a level 2 emergency situation in collaboration with the Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate Office. Map Ta Phut Industrial Port Office and local government agencies in the area Efforts were made to c
ontrol the fire. Ready to evacuate the people of Nong Fab and Takuan-Ao Pradu communities to the Rayong Provincial Government Center.

Later at 3:30 p.m., fire trucks from neighboring provinces were mobilized to help support fire control. Including water pumped from the sea for cooling. To reduce the temperature of nearby chemical tanks, which is still burning only 1 tank.

Recently, Map Ta Phut Tank Terminal Company Limited issued a second statement stating that according to Map Ta Phut Tank Terminal Company Limited, which is located at the Map Ta Phut Industrial Port. Rayong Province had a cloud of smoke at the C9+ hydrocarbon storage tank on May 9, 2024 at approximately 10:45 a.m. The company mobilized a team to control the situation immediately after the incident according to the emergency response plan. By separating the system and stop various activities Inside the factory according to safety procedures We are currently controlling the incident and assessing the damage. including finding the cause

such events Four people were injured and were taken to the hospital and are under medical care. Later, it was informed that one employee had died. The company is very sorry for the loss that occurred this time. The company has provided full care and assistance to the injured and deceased.

The hydrocarbon compound C9+ is a by-product from the production of precursors to plastic pellets. We have completely separated benzene, toluene, and mixed xylene, which are used as solvents in various industries (Solvent). The company apologizes for the incident. and will do our best to control the situation Taking into account the safety of the community and the impact on the environment is important If there is progress, the company will report the situation as soon as possible.

Source: Thai News Agency