Construction of Makassar New Port access toll road starts


The Public Works and Public Housing Ministry has started construction work on the first and second phases of the Makassar New Port (MNP) access toll road.

The ministry’s secretary general, Zainal Fatah, informed that the access toll road to MNP, in addition to the existing toll road, will boost connectivity and cut travel time for container transport by four times.

Its service capacity is projected to reach 900 thousand TEUs by 2023, he added.

“The existence of this access toll will boost economic growth in surrounding areas and South Sulawesi residents will be abundantly benefited by its development,” Fatah said in a statement received here on Tuesday.

He further said he hoped that groundbreaking would be undertaken soon so that work is completed by, or even before, the June 2023 deadline.

Currently, four toll roads in South Sulawesi, comprising Section 1–4 of the 21.7-kilometer Ujung Pandang/Makassar toll road, are operational, he informed.

Meanwhile, PT Nusantara Infrastructure president director Ramdani Basri said that the construction of the access road to the MNP toll road, which will cover 2.74 hectares of land, will be conducted in three stages.

In the first stage, work will commence on the 1.2-kilometer stretch from the direction of the old port or Section 1 toll road to MNP toll road, he informed.

The second stage will be from Section IV of Makassar toll road heading to the MNP toll road, and stretch 2 kilometers in length, he said. It will have a 4-meter lane, he added.

The first and second stages will be conducted simultaneously, while the third stage of MNP heading to the airport will be constructed in the next stage, he informed.

The MNP access toll road construction is among the National Strategic Projects (PSN), with PT Wijaya Karya serving as the contractor and PT Indo Koei, Nippon Koei, and PT Cipta Strada as the joint operation supervision consultants for the project. The investment in the project has reached Rp705 billion.

As of January 4, 2022, the land acquisition for the project, which is being conducted by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia, has reached 60 percent.

Source: Antara News