‘Commander of the Royal Thai Armed Forces’ inspects the readiness of Khao Chon Kai Camp to receive more than 70,000 cadets.

Internal Affairs

‘Commander of the Royal Thai Armed Forces’ checks readiness at Khao Chon Kai Camp to accept more than 70,000 military students, emphasizing safety and building confidence in field training.

On January 7, 2024 at the Military Training Camp (NST), Khao Chon Kai, Kanchanaburi Province, Lt. Gen. Thaweepoon Rimsakorn, Commander of the Territorial Defense Command (Commander of the Territorial Defense Command). Presiding over religious ceremonies and worshiping sacred objects within the Khao Chon Kai Military Training Camp. and opened the Field Training Directorate for Military Students At the same time, 5 safety measures have been prepared for training military students.

To build confidence and relieve anxiety for parents. From the field training policy and the concerns of commanders who give importance to the safety of military students (NST) as the first priority The Territorial Defense Command (NRD) has therefore established 5 main measures for relevant parts to adhere to. In order to ensure safety for the st
udents undergoing training. Including to build confidence and relieve anxiety for parents. in field training Academic year 2023 students will have 2nd-3rd year students from the central government and 4th-5th year students from all over the country. More than 72,000 students received training at the Khao Chon Kai Student Training Camp.

Measure 1: Safety in moving Arranging buses to pick up and drop off students from Bangkok to and from Khao Chon Kai Training Camp, more than 1,900 trips, with the highest number of 63 buses. All buses meet standards. effective Through an e-bidding auction according to contract terms in the specified criteria, checking the readiness of drivers and buses. Ready and safe to use By arranging staff to inspect before leaving in the morning of every day.

Arrange transport personnel to be stationed on every bus. To supervise during the movement to ensure safety. Prepare emergency response plans in various cases. and practiced reviewing first aid Basic information for moving personnel
and request support for one first aid kit per convoy in case of illness during the journey. The plan is to carry 42 students per vehicle.

Arrange vehicles to lead the procession from Military District 11 and Military District 17 together with the Highway Police. Provincial Police and district police in each area to facilitate Control the distance and limit the speed of the train along the route, both out and back.

Measure 2: Providing medical services Prepare an identity card for NCC students to carry with them in the right breast pocket at all times during training (name-surname, age, blood group, congenital diseases, allergic drugs, ID card number. Parent’s phone number and close friends) helps to quickly help students who are sick or injured.

Arrange a cadre of officers to be stationed with Students of every troop and has medical staff Along with medicines and medical supplies, the Training Directorate is ready 24 hours a day, as well as implementing projects. ‘Military students are safe from training’
of the Royal Thai Army Medical Department. with support from Surasee Camp Hospital and Phahonyothin Phonphayuhasena Hospital In the area, attach a symbol (tie a red bow on the right sleeve of the shirt) so that trainers can observe and watch out for students who are at risk, such as being obese or having congenital diseases.

Safety from heat stroke We have trained all trainers to have basic knowledge and skills in helping patients with heat stroke. Including creating awareness for the students by creating public relations materials to distribute on social media before training. and organize training so that NCC students know how to protect themselves How to notice symptoms and how to act when yourself or your friends Have symptoms of heat stroke along with requiring administrative officials to emphasize All cadets give importance to checking their body temperature. And observe the color of your urine every day. Including being strict for NCC students to fill their water bottles before going out to practice.
And drink water every 1 hour to help cool the body.

Install a temperature measuring device Measure relative humidity and signal flags in the training area To be used to notify and adjust the training period to suit the weather conditions, there are cadres stationed with every cadet troop and an ambulance equipped with equipment to help patients with heatstroke. Stationed in areas at risk Ready to rehearse and coordinate with relevant units. To be ready to quickly help patients from heat stroke and send them back to receive medical services from hospitals in the area.

This year, the Royal Thai Army Medical Department has supported the Smart Cooling Bed innovation to be stationed at stations where there is a risk of heat stroke. To prepare and reduce the dangers of heat stroke, train trainers. To have the ability to perform CPR and basic life support. and can use an AED machine to automatically defibrillate the heart If an emergency situation occurs

Measure 3: Training: Arrange personnel to inspect and test
the readiness of equipment. Before every use Especially at the morale testing station. Cliff climbing – vertical descent Stations where bullets and explosives are used. and parasailing training Including the provision of an ambulance, medical department with drivers stationed in the training area, and the appointment of training safety officers. Providing advice, inspecting and supervising the conduct of the training staff. Strictly comply with the specified security measures.

Measure 4: Strengthening hygiene. Over the past 2-3 years, the training center has listened to various ideas and problems from the students who come to train each year. and has been continually revised, developed, and improved By adhering to commanders’ policies regarding safety and constructive training. Leading to development such as providing knock-down toilets Increased to 65 rooms, additional filters installed Water tanks with a size of 2,000 liters, a total of 12 points, in order to have enough clean water service points for the
NSTDA students (change and clean the filter every 3 months)

Providing additional sleeping tents, totaling 2,800, for 2nd and 3rd year students, along with providing high-pressure water sprayers. Helps clean thoroughly and save time. and install showers in every factory To clean the body after training Prevent the spread of diseases that may be transmitted to any one person.

The training center will distribute food trays (pit trays) for the use of the NTA students until the end of training. Prevent mixing There is a cleaning solution, clean water, scalded with hot water to sterilize. Reduce fat that sticks to the tray. and put in a storage bag to prevent dust wind-blown sandy soil Food scrap bin And various trash cans in the area will have tight lids. Do not leave it to ferment. There is a black bag to put it in and throw it away for destruction. Practice separating waste to reduce global warming.

Measure 5: Safety in cooking Pay attention to the hygiene of the cooks who prepare the food. Pay attention to c
leanliness, freshness and quality of ingredients. Including the cleanliness of the place cooking process to the container used and giving importance to time and place so that NCT students can eat freshly cooked food In an environment that is conducive to eating

Lt. Gen. Thaweepoon said that from inspecting the readiness of officers and student trainers today, including first aid for military students, training, and other aspects according to measures in all 5 areas to maintain safety for students. The students found that they were well prepared. The shuttle is safe. There are military escorts. In terms of health care, NSTDA students have medicines and medical supplies ready. Including special care for those with congenital diseases. or those who are at risk that while training, force majeure may occur A red ribbon is tied on the epaulet of the right arm to clearly show it. Easy to observe and help When the incident happened and emphasized that the punishment for students who violate discipline will definitel
y not be excessive. It will go in the form of physical exercise. And there may be some deductions.

‘Training may not be as comfortable as at home. Because it is for students to face life. It is the creation of a life vaccine. Build immunity for the Royal Thai Armed Forces Academies students to grow strong,’ Lt. Gen. Thaweepoon said.

Source: Thai News Agency