Chiang Mai, rain in many areas The Ping River rose and turned a cloudy red.


Chiang Mai, Heavy rain in many areas of Chiang Mai. As a result, the Ping River flowing through the city has increased in volume. and changed to a cloudy red color But it is still at a safe level. Northern Meteorological Department emphasizes that there will still be continuous rain. Watch out for areas where accumulated rainfall is at risk of flash floods and landslides, especially on mountain slopes.

Northern areas including Chiang Mai Province There is continuous heavy rain. and some areas experienced heavy rain. Especially in mountain forest areas Chiang Mai’s watershed There has been an accumulation of rain for more than 1 week in a row, most recently from the amount of rain that fell in the upper part of Chiang Mai in many districts upstream of the Ping River. Both Mae Rim, Mae Taeng, Chiang Dao and Mueang districts have continued rain, causing the water level in the Ping River to rise. and the amount of water has increased Until causing the water in the Ping River to turn red-orange and turbid from th
e mud that flows down with the water Including a lot of weeds, garbage, logs and branches that float along with the turbulent waters, however, the amount of water in the Ping River that flows through Chiang Mai Municipality is still at a safe level. It is more than 2 meters away from the critical point because there is a Pa Daet flood gate that effectively manages and releases water to the back of the gate. This morning at the water level measurement point P1 at the foot of Nawarat Bridge. Chiang Mai Municipality at 8:00 a.m. found that the water level had increased to 1.67 meters, more than 2 meters from the critical point of 3.70 meters. The water volume was 115.70 cubic meters per second. which is still considered at a normal level Can still support a large amount of water.

The Northern Meteorological Center reported that The moderate southwest monsoon is blowing over the Andaman Sea, Thailand, and the Gulf of Thailand. This characteristic causes thunderstorms in the northern region and heavy rain in some
places, approximately 40 percent of the area. People are asked to be careful of the dangers of heavy rain and rain that Accumulated because the soil may hold rainwater that has accumulated in large quantities. Risky areas along the mountain slopes And along the river, watch out for mudslides and flash floods. and water overflowing the banks.

Source: Thai News Agency