Catch a heartless thief who used fake banknotes to trick a blind grandmother into buying things.


Songkhla, “Boy Don Khilek” arrested, has a history of committing repeated crimes. Both stealing and taking drugs, but that’s heartbreaking. That is, using fake banknotes to trick grandma into buying things. disabled and blind

Police from the Crime Suppression Division went to the area to track down and arrest Mr. Jirapat, age 28, or “Boy Don Khilek,” the suspect according to an arrest warrant from the Songkhla Provincial Court for the offense of “jointly committing theft using a vehicle.” By this arrest Police from the Crime Suppression Division followed the trail to a palm plantation in the area of ??Village No. 5, Kuan Kalong Subdistrict, Kuan Kalong District, Satun Province, after finding out that he had escaped from hiding and was in the area of ??Satun Province.

For Mr. Jirapat or Boy Don Khilek He is one of the suspects who has a long history of being imprisoned. and causing repeated incidents Most recently, on August 1, 2023, there was an incident of stealing a steel roof frame in the area of ??Kho
Hong Police Station, Songkhla Province by loading it into a pickup truck until an arrest warrant was issued. And there is footage from the CCTV camera while the pickup truck was being transported away. Claiming that he did it because he was dissatisfied with the owner of the house who spoke insultingly. So he invited his friends to join in the cause.

But it was a heart-wrenching incident. That is, the incident that occurred on September 4, 2021, where Mr. Boy used a counterfeit 1,000 baht note to buy things at Grandma Po’s grocery store. who are visually impaired Completely blind in his right eye The left eye sees dimly. and living alone with no family Lives and runs a small grocery store. Earn money every day A man and woman, who later learned that the man was Boy Don Khilek, used fake banknotes to trick them into buying things twice in one day.

In the morning he came to buy things for over 200 baht, Grandma Po gave him over 700 baht in change, and the second time came again in the afternoon. Bought things
at similar prices and Grandma Po gave over 700 baht in change as usual. When Grandma Po received the money, she used a thousand banknotes to take a closer look. My eyes didn’t care. Because I think it’s real. Later I found out that a neighbor came to ask to exchange money and said that both bills were fake. And in this case, the police Muang Songkhla Police Station can be tracked down and arrested But after being released from prison, he was not afraid of committing repeated thefts in many cases. In the end, he was tracked down and arrested again by the Crime Suppression Division police. During the arrest of the Crime Suppression Division police, Mr. Boy Don Khilek also asked for the opportunity to be taken back to his home to tell his father to help him go bail himself.

Source: Thai News Agency