Cabinet approves draft statement of Global Forum for Food and Agriculture


House, Cabinet approves draft statement of Global Forum for Food and Agriculture to raise the level of nutrition. Reduce world food waste in half

Ms. Kanika Aunjit, Deputy Spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s Office, revealed that the Cabinet meeting approved the draft statement (2024 Zero Draft Communique) at the 16th Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference without signature. On Saturday, January 20, 2024 in Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany. As proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

The main points of the draft document have four aspects: 1. Promote sustainable production. To transition to sustainable and resilient agriculture and food systems. Hope to end hunger Choosing healthy food Reduce food loss Access to adequate and quality water Increase farmers’ knowledge in improving soil to have complete nutrients. Improve fertilizer management Production of green nitrogen fertilizer Promote integrated pest management Reduce the risk of using pesticides. Technology and innovation develop

2. Promote flexible and sustainable supply chains by increasing the role of the World Trade Organization (WTO) by implementing preventative controls to combat food safety risks, animal diseases, diseases and pests; Increase the capacity of the public and private sectors to prevent Infectious diseases and microbial drug resistance (AMR) in humans and animals Especially small farmers

3. Reducing food waste To achieve SDG 12.3, reduce world food waste by half. both at the retail and consumer levels by 2030, setting targets Measuring food waste Expand investment in research and development Donating leftover food or food that is about to expire, such as using it as animal feed as well as promoting the provision of knowledge to consumers

4. Caring for vulnerable groups get enough food Access to production resources such as land, water, finance, seeds, fertilizer, and genetic resources. Emphasis is placed on protecting the land of indigenous peoples. Including the role of CFS to enable stakeholders to work t
ogether to ensure food and nutrition security.

Source: Thai News Agency