BNPB urged to focus on improving public’s disaster-related literacy

Science & Technology

The Indonesian Ombudsman urged the head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) to prioritize increasing the people’s literacy or knowledge and understanding of disasters.

“Improving people’s knowledge and understanding or literacy related to disaster becomes a priority program to prepare the public against disaster,” Ombudsman member Febrityas noted in the online Disaster Review Result Report Seminar and Launch on Thursday.

Moreover, the Ombudsman outlined several suggestions to strengthen improvement steps for the pre-disaster and disaster response period that encompassed review and evaluation on the disaster mitigation implementation issue.

In addition, the Ombudsman suggested strengthening improvement steps based on the result of review and evaluation as well as expedite implementation of the Disaster Pooling Fund (PFB).

Thereafter, the BNPB along with the Home Affairs Ministry should prepare a Circulation Letter to all regional heads to manage the competency of officials stationed at province- and district- or city-level Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD).

They should also allocate budget to bolster the capacity of disaster mitigation personnel in regions.

Ombudsman also called on the BNPB head to develop the InaRisk application by incorporating a feature related to the disaster-affected population data.

The BNPB head should also develop a system or application related to aid management and distribution for the affected population.

The BNPB head is also urged to work along with the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry in designing standards for temporary and permanent residences as well as supporting facilities for the affected population.

During the event, the Ombudsman also put forth a suggestion to the coordinating minister for human development and culture to allocate adequate disaster-related funds.

Moreover, the Ombudsman advised the minister to coordinate with the BNPB and Finance Ministry, so that the disaster prevention budget can be utilized in accordance with the disaster mitigation requirement in a coordinated and integrated manner.


Source: Antara News

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