‘Bhoomtham’ believes ‘Pitha’ returning to parliament will not affect the government.

Internal Affairs

Government House, “Bhumitham” welcomes “Pitha” to return to serve as an opposition MP, confirming that he is not shaken by the government’s support. Hope to join hands to help solve the national crisis. I repeat, if we really do new politics You must not see only your own benefits.

Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Give opinions on the Constitutional Court’s decision on Mr. Pitha’s membership of the House of Representatives. Limcharoenrat The list of MPs from the Progressive Party has not ended. From holding shares in the media company ITV Public Company Limited, I would like to express my congratulations on being lucky. Have the opportunity to return to serve in the House of Representatives. one more time which has no impact on the government Because it is a decision of the Constitutional Court which has been finalized and the decision is binding on all organizations.

‘Everything must help and work together to solve the country’s crisis problems. Although right now t
here is a debate about whether the country is in crisis or not. But if there is still nothing to stimulate the economy more strongly or can we do many things to create a better environment? I fear that the economic crisis ahead will return. Today I want to call on all parties, whether the government or the opposition, to join hands. Do not use the political process to make the country unable to move forward,’ Mr. Phumtham said.

As for whether Mr. Pitha’s return will strengthen government inspections, Mr. Phumtham said that government inspections will still function as before. In which we have 1 additional MP who hopes to improve. If the new political opposition really Let’s work together to make the government strong and able to solve the country’s crisis. But if you still hold on to your own benefits one’s abilities The needs of oneself, one’s party, and one’s country will be an obstacle and slow down the resolution of people’s problems.

As for the performance of the opposition in the past, it did not agre
e with many government policies, such as the digital wallet project, Mr. Phumtham said that the performance of the opposition was to check. The word “check” means to suggest or reflect on what is seen. There is no need to oppose everything the government does. Previously, I had talked with the Kao Klai Party during the formation of the government. That if we really want new politics or if it’s a matter of amending the constitution or solving various crisis problems, we have to work together to do it. If there are any limitations, please make suggestions. Good opposition performance does not require asking every question.

When asked that after the Constitutional Court’s decision, he saw that the party’s support had advanced quite a lot. Looking at the future for the Pheu Thai Party in the next election, is there anything worrisome? Mr. Phumtham said that every political party has supporters from various walks of life. Don’t just say there are a lot of people supporting it. It’s difficult to say, but the elect
ion results will determine whether the majority supports or doesn’t. Confirm that there is nothing to be alarmed about. Because everyone does their duty.

Source: Thai News Agency