Be sure before sharing: Be careful not to open earthquake photos. Is it true that your phone will be hacked in 10 seconds?


Conclusion: ? This message is a rumor that is being shared. But no evidence was found that it caused damage. ?

Sure Before Sharing Center checked and found that the warning message was a rumor shared in many versions. and no evidence of any damage was found. By bringing shared messages To translate into English And when comparing with foreign websites, both News Checker Africa Check and NBC News found that the content was in the same direction, that is, there was no evidence of such hacking.

Normally, sending and receiving GIF images or instantly visible video clips via Line, Whatsapp, Facebook is not at risk from viruses. But where there is a risk of phishing viruses are files that are not images or clips, such as .doc, .pdf, .exe, which are often sent with emails or applications without any origin. Including website links that you must click to view again. It may be tricked to make you happy, frightened, or make you believe it’s true. Therefore, you should definitely consider it. Before pressing file or
filling in personal information,

April 19, 2024

Be Sure Before Sharing Center,

Thai News Agency, MCOT,

fact check by Saowapak Rattanapong,

reference moroccan-earthquake

Debunking the Seismic Waves Card: Can It Really Hack Your Phone in Seconds? 

https:/ /

Shared messages


They will upload photos of earthquakes in Taiwan, Japan and Morocco on Whatsapp. The file is called Seismic Waves CARD. Don’t open it or see it, it will hack your phone in 10 seconds and cannot be stopped in any way. Forward the information to your family and friends. your friend

Urgent!!!!! They are going to upload some photos of the earthquake in Taiwan, Japan and Morocco on Whatsapp. The file is called Seismic Waves CARD, do not open or see it,
it will hack your phone in 10 seconds and it cannot be stopped in any way. Pass the information on to your family and friends. DO NOT OPEN IT.

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Source: Thai News Agency