Be sure before sharing: Are these 10 benefits of egg whites true?


On social media, there are shares suggesting 10 benefits of egg whites, such as strengthening the body, no fat, rich in various minerals. Is it true that the body can absorb them 100%?

?? Check facts and advice from expert Dr. Achiraya Khamchansupasin. Research practitioner Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University

Most of it is true. But some points may require further explanation.

Point 1. Egg whites help make hormones. Or do various enzymes in the body work better?

True story… Egg whites contain essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize on its own.

An amino acid named Lysine helps produce hormones and various enzymes for the body.

Leucine and Valine, these two help stimulate the secretion of growth hormone (Growth Hormone).

Question 2. Can the body absorb 100% of nutrients, higher than other types of protein?

This will be the value that is analyzed in the laboratory. It is a measure of the biological value of proteins or Biological Value, abbreviated as BV.

This will be a way to mea
sure when eaten. The protein that is eaten will be left as nitrogen. How much can the body use?

Whole chicken eggs, BV = 100%

Egg whites alone, BV = 88%

Beef BV = 80%

Soy protein, BV value = 74%

BV values ??are values ??used for research purposes only. It is not necessary to choose whichever percentage of BV is higher and which is better. In the end, it depends on the quantity received as well. Eating a variety of foods Makes it more complete to receive essential amino acids.

Point 3. Egg whites help nourish the nervous system and memory?

It’s true Because egg whites contain amino acids called Histidine and Leucine, which help develop the nervous system and brain cells.

Question 4. Are there important amino acids that help build muscle?

Egg whites contain essential amino acids. which is a component of protein in muscles

Additionally, it contains several amino acids that aid in muscle recovery. Maintain muscle mass

Question 5. Egg whites help reduce swelling in patients with kidney disease?

This is
true: in patients with kidney disease, there is a chance that they do not get enough protein. It will cause the body to have low immunity to disease. Blood protein decreases It will easily cause swelling.

Therefore, eating more protein from egg whites Helps make protein levels sufficient to meet daily needs.

Point 6. Helps the body have good immunity. Reduce the risk of infection?

True… in egg whites there is a protein called albumin (Albumin) that helps strengthen the immune system. and makes our immune system stronger

Question 7. Helps restore and repair tissues in various parts of the body?

Egg whites contain essential amino acids that the body has already received. Can be used to repair various cells in the body.

Point 8. It is a source of protein that is low in phosphorus. Is it suitable for kidney patients?

True… Patients with kidney disease often experience high levels of phosphorus in their blood. This is because the kidneys cannot excrete phosphorus normally. There is a build-up in the blo
od. It will pull calcium from the bones and bind with phosphorus. This causes thin bones and osteoporosis.

Therefore, kidney disease patients need to choose food sources that are low in phosphorus, such as egg whites.

Question 9. Rich in various minerals?

Egg whites contain many minerals and vitamins that are essential to the body. Whether it’s vitamin A Various B vitamins as well

Question 10. Is it a protein source that does not contain fat?

In “egg whites” there is fat, but it is a low fat group. 0.2% is considered very little. But what egg whites don’t have is saturated fat and cholesterol.

Egg whites are suitable for those who need more protein. But you have to control your fat. want to lose weight or groups of patients with various diseases

general people who are healthy It is recommended to eat whole eggs. Both egg whites and yolks, 1 egg per day, or if you already eat more. and have no health problems Normal blood fat normal cholesterol or normal blood pressure You may eat 2-3 eggs per day accor
ding to the eating plan you have been following.

According to the information shared, ‘ 10 Benefits of Egg Whites’ is true. Can be shared further

However, egg whites are not the only good source of protein. It is recommended that you consume protein from a variety of other food sources. By getting protein from both plants and animals in a ratio of 1 : 1

The daily protein intake is 1 gram per kilogram of body weight.

For 1 egg, there are 7 grams of protein. If it is egg whites alone, there is approximately 3.5 grams of protein.

Eating complete, diverse, hygienic food will ensure both safety and good health.

Interview by Peeraphon Anutarasothi

Compiled by Komsthanon Sukajjasakul

See more items Be sure before sharing: Are these 10 benefits of egg whites true?

Source: Thai News Agency