Bangkok reveals investigation results, finds 25 officials involved in corruption by purchasing overpriced exercise equipment


Bangkok, The Anti-Corruption Center of Bangkok revealed the results of the investigation, finding 25 BMA officials involved in 7 projects to purchase exercise equipment, found to be overpriced and adjusted the specifications to be higher. A serious disciplinary investigation committee will be set up to investigate within 120 days.

Mr. Nattapong Disayabut, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Bangkok and Director of the Anti-Corruption Operation Center of Bangkok (ACB), Mr. Ekwaranyu Amrapal, Spokesperson of Bangkok, and Ms. Temsiri Nettat, Assistant Director of the Office of the Bangkok Civil Service Commission (OCSC), jointly announced the progress of the investigation into corruption in Bangkok, which the fact-finding committee on the procurement of exercise equipment for sports centers and recreation centers of Bangkok, totaling 7 projects, has conducted the investigation within the 30-day timeframe without extension and submitted the investigation report on July 19, 2024.

Mr. Nattapongpong revealed that from
the investigation of both witnesses and documents, it was found that the purchase was excessively expensive, with the purchase price of the exercise equipment being higher than the purchase price in previous years and much higher than the total cost including operating costs. The details of the TOR found that there were conditions that were not open to equal bidding, such as specifying the number of contracts with the government for a number of years and specifying the specifications of the exercise equipment that were more than necessary. In addition, from the investigation, it was found that there were 25 officials involved in the exercise equipment purchase project and the consideration of the budget for the purchase. After this, there will be a further in-depth investigation.

Following the investigation into the matter last week, the Permanent Secretary of Bangkok has ordered the transfer of executives whose names were involved in the procurement process for all 7 projects to work at the Office of the Pe
rmanent Secretary of Bangkok to ensure transparency in the investigation. Of the 25 officials involved, one has already resigned from government service. The group found to have committed wrongdoings are those responsible for project planning, budget review, and procurement. As for the

private sector that came to propose the work, taking action is outside the authority of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. However, if they are found guilty, they can be criminally prosecuted if they are found to have committed a real wrongdoing under the Collusion Act.

Ms. Temsiri Pei revealed that the next step is that the relevant agencies will consider the investigation results in detail to consider submitting them to the authorized persons to appoint a serious disciplinary investigation committee. The committee will complete the investigation within 120 days, which is the procedure stipulated by law, and will consider further punishment. As for criminal proceedings, after finding that there are real flaws that indi
cate corruption, the offense of bidding for government agencies will be forwarded to the NACC for further action.

In the case where the investigation finds that the purchase is overpriced and Bangkok has suffered damages, a fact-finding committee will be appointed to investigate the tort liability according to the Tort Liability of Officials Act to consider compensation.

While Mr. Ekwaranyu revealed that the results of the operations of the Bangkok Anti-Corruption Center, which was established in 2022 until now, have taken action against 29 offenders, 12 of whom were directly involved in corruption and 17 of whom were involved in other serious offenses, ranging from the executive level to the department head level, 6 cases of bribery, 3 cases of corrupt procurement, etc.

The BMA spokesperson also added that the BMA governor emphasized that corruption must be dealt with seriously and when wrongdoings are found, the investigation process after sending the case to the BMA’s Central Investigation Bureau, the g
overnor has given no more than 30 days to complete the investigation and during that time, report the results every 7 days, meaning that the BMA is serious but must be careful and must have a conclusion as soon as possible without delay.

Source: Thai News Agency