Bangkok Metropolitan Administration emphasizes being serious about corruption. Throw away your teeth and don’t let them take you for granted.


Bangkok, Bangkok Governor reveals 6 more outstanding cases with YPP, emphasizing that Bangkok is serious about corruption. Throw away your teeth and don’t let them take you for granted.

Mr. Chatchat Sitthiphan, Governor of Bangkok Revealing the arrest of a Bangkok civil engineer for accepting bribes to fix road designs, he said that this is a matter that we have been cooperating with with the ONCB since the middle of last year. Because there are clues to collecting money from entrepreneurs. Therefore, there was coordination with the Narcotics Control Board to carry out the investigation. And there isn’t just this one case, but there are about 6 cases.

Pol. Gen. Adis Ngamjitsuksri, Advisor to the Governor of Bangkok He added that We’ve known this clue since the middle of last year. Therefore, he coordinated with Pol. Maj. Gen. Prasong Chalermphan, Commander-in-Chief of the ONCB (at that time he held the position of Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the ONCB). After that, the ONCB proceeded with inspection and in
vestigation and found It is said that part of this matter has been reported to the NACC. This past morning, an arrest warrant was used. A total of three suspects were arrested, including one who is the wife of a civil engineer. Further follow-up is in progress.

The Governor of Bangkok said that in the next step, Bangkok will take disciplinary action. A committee has been set up according to the procedures. It is expected that it will not take long if there is clear evidence and the ONCB will continue to take action regarding corruption crimes. But as for the details of who is involved, we do not have information because the NACC is the operator. And in this matter, we cooperate and coordinate with the ONCB all the time, emphasizing that we are serious about corruption. and transparency because it is important We can’t change Bangkok if we don’t talk about it. and must be caught so as not to be an example and not dare to commit a crime in this way

In terms of preventing corruption in Bangkok agencies, now mo
re people are brave enough to tell us. both entrepreneurs who were extorted There are brave people who come forward and report clues. Because we saw that we were serious about this matter. Next is the information that is revealed. There are clear regulations. Revealing the procurement process Give people more access to information The last thing is to reduce the use of personal judgment by making more requests for permission to go online. Accept that there are still bad people. But overall the situation has improved. We dare to talk about this matter because the executives are confident that they are not involved in any way and dare to act without fear of any repercussions.

As for the expansion of the results, whether it will be carried out to those in higher positions or not and how. It depends on the NACC because the matter of expanding results is not the responsibility of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration directly and we do not have expertise in investigations. If people find corruption, You can rep
ort this to the Department of Narcotics Control Board and Traffy Fondue.

Source: Thai News Agency