Arrested at 8 famous beauty clinics Secretly using unregistered drugs


The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) joined with the Public Health Office and the FDA to search illegal clinics and well-known clinics at 8 locations, illegally using drugs without registration. and cosmetic products Injected into the line for service users

Central Investigation Bureau together with the Department of Health Service Support, led by Dr. Sura Wisetsak, Director General of the Department of Health Service Support, Dr. Arkom Praditsuwan Deputy Director General of the Department of Health Service Support, Food and Drug Administration Led by Dr. Narong Aphikulwanich, Secretary-General of the Food and Drug Administration. and pharmacist Veerachai Nalawachai, Deputy Secretary-General of the Food and Drug Administration. Together they announced the results of their operations in the case of raids and raids on clinics across the country in 8 locations, illegally using unregistered drugs. and products registered as cosmetics But it is misused by injection. which can be life threatening and using perso
nnel who are not authorized to practice medicine to treat people

Circumstances as a result of Sub-Division 4, Consumer Protection Crime Suppression Division. Received a complaint from Department of Health Service Support and the Food and Drug Administration Request to inspect medical facilities that advertise through online media. Cosmetics advertisements in ampoule/vial (glass bottle) formats are being misused/misused in beauty clinics. They boast of properties that help with brain function. Heart and blood vessels, breathing, sleep, DNA repair, various free radical reactions in the body, prevention of aging and the immune system. Suitable for everyone who wants to take care of their health. To have a good and long life expectancy and quality of life. Especially certain groups, such as people who work hard Little time to rest Group of people who have difficulty sleeping Have problems with the nervous system, heart system, diabetes, which have the same usage as medicine. which if injected into the body and i
nto the bloodstream May be harmful to the body As such cosmetics are not certified for sterilization. and produced for medical use Moreover, it was not found to be a cosmetic that has been certified by the government medical agency. Some clinics use quack doctors for medical treatment. Therefore coordinated with police officers from Division 4 of the Crime Suppression Division to investigate.

When the police went to the area to investigate. Found that there are many famous hospitals. There is an advertisement for cosmetics to be injected to people receiving services. by boasting of exaggerated properties Until leading to the police joining in the operation to sweep up hospitals that violate the law. Department of Health Service Support Food and Drug Administration and the Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office, a total of 8 points, divided into 6 in Bangkok and 2 in Chiang Mai Province,

arrested 6 suspects (5 illegal doctors), 1 clinic owner, and seized 205 items worth more than 2,000,000 baht. Products
registered as cosmetics But the labels indicated injections, 25 items, 31 items of drugs with a prescription registration, 29 items of drugs without a prescription registration, 19 items of medical devices, 4 items of incorrectly labeled cosmetics, 17 items of medical supplies, equipment, medical records, and other documents. 112 related items reporting allegations against the accused who provided treatment and the owners of the premises, a total of 6 cases, with 1 case being a vocational certificate graduate, 2 nursing assistant courses, 2 bachelor’s degrees, 1 master’s degree, and all the accused have confessed to all charges.

Magic Dentist Praditsuwan Deputy Director General of the Department of Health Service Support (Department of Health Service Support) said that according to Dr. Sura Wisetsak, Director General of the Department of Health Service Support Assigning officials from the Department of Public Health to monitor and suppress illegal clinics and strictly inspect registered medical facilities. D
o not commit any illegal act. together with relevant network partners This is the source of cooperation in searching all 6 clinics this time. which can arrest offenders and seized many items. The worrisome issue from this arrest In addition to illegally providing services to illegal doctors who lack knowledge We have expertise in providing medical services. Cosmetic products are still being used for the wrong purpose. The Department of Public Health recommends that people always observe the evidence of clinics and doctors before receiving services. In addition to having to check the clinic sign to see whether the 11 digit license number is displayed, the license to operate a medical facility and the license to operate a medical facility are also required. Must check first and last name. Photographs and licenses of the treating doctor, and in the case of injecting beauty enhancement substances or any substances into the body, you should ask to see the name of the product. and health product number whether it i
s properly registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or not for safety reasons Such as the product ‘Infinadi NAD+ aging solution’ that was seized this time. It’s fake cosmetics. Not certified for sterilization and has been certified by the state medical agency If people are injected with such substances into their bodies, it may affect their physical health and cause disability. or death If any member of the public finds or knows the whereabouts of a wrongdoing in this manner. Please notify the Department of Public Health via telephone number 02 193 7000 or if you are in a regional area, please notify the Provincial Public Health Office in your area immediately.

Mr. Weerachai Nalawachai, Deputy Secretary-General of the Food and Drug Administration, said that this operation The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would like to thank the Police from the Consumer Protection Crime Suppression Division (FDA) and the Department of Health Service Support (DMF) for jointly inspecting clinics with Bringin
g cosmetics in injection form bottles (ampoules/vials) are misused by injection into the body or used in conjunction with other medical devices to push substances into the skin for beauty purposes. Claiming that the product had passed the FDA and found illegal use of cosmetics with revoked notification receipts for use with service recipients.

The results of the inspection found the use of drugs that were not registered in the prescription. Found the illegal use of cosmetics for which the notification receipt has been revoked. And it was found that cosmetics with a notification number that were actually provided by injection were used. The FDA, Subdistrict 4, Anti-Corruption Commission and SSO will jointly investigate clinics that illegally used them. objective and expand the results to major import and distribution sources If found, criminal and administrative proceedings will proceed.

Products that are registered as cosmetics are not evaluated for their safety when injected into the body. Because cosmetic
s are only used externally, if cosmetics are used in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose, it may cause harm to the user. The FDA has revoked 6 cosmetic registration receipts that were found to have been used for injections, and Prosecuted 12 advertisers

Therefore, we would like to remind both service providers and service recipients in beauty clinics and hospitals to check labels and carefully consider the use of products in ampoule/vial form. Especially those that claim to have “passed the FDA” because there are many types of products that have passed the FDA according to their level of risk. In the case of products that are injected into the body Considered to be at high risk Must be registered as a medicine or medical equipment only

Pol. Maj. Gen. Witthaya Sriprasertphap, Commander-in-Chief of the NCPO, expressed his concern to the people. Before receiving treatment or enhance beauty According to various medical facilities You should check the permission of the clinic and the treating doctor first. Be
cause this may lead to the risk of incorrect diagnosis and treatment from non-medical personnel. This is because the face has many blood vessels and nerves. If the injection is given by a non-medical personnel, there may be a risk of incorrect treatment. and easily affects the face Some may even be disfigured and difficult to repair. and would like to warn those who illegally commit crimes Whether it is a person posing as a doctor, a quack doctor, or a quack clinic. Stop such behavior immediately. Because the police will continue to make arrests. If found, strict legal action will be taken. Fellow citizens, if you find a hospital or doctor suspected of being a quack doctor, or illegal clinics You can report information at the hotline of the NCPO 1135 or the page of the NCPO Consumer Warning.

Source: Thai News Agency