“Anutin” gives land title deeds to 262 people in Kanchanaburi Province.

Internal Affairs

‘Anutin’ gives land title deeds to 262 people in Kanchanaburi Province, emphasizing the Interior Ministry’s mission to take care of people’s lives and security from the grassroots to the national level.

Today (10 Aug 67), Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, traveled to preside over the occasion of Kamnan and Village Headman Day and presented land title deeds to the people under the project ‘Giving Land Title Deeds Across Thailand, Bringing Happiness and Relieving Suffering to the People’, totaling 262 people, and presented 14 outstanding volunteer defense corps awards, with the executives of the Ministry of Interior, the Governor of Kanchanaburi Province, heads of government agencies, district chiefs, Kamnan, village headmen, executives of local administrative organizations, and the public attending at the auditorium of Ratchaprachanukroh School 45, Phanom Thuan District, Kanchanaburi Province.

Mr. Anutin said that the issuance of land title deeds in the areas of Phetch
abun-Chaiyaphum-Khon Kaen-Kanchanaburi provinces under the project to survey and issue land title deeds and measure land title deed plots to be of the same standard covering the whole country in fiscal year 2024 is an important government policy that aims to solve the problems of people who do not yet have land title deeds. The Department of Lands, Ministry of Interior, is the main agency in expediting the issuance of land title deeds, resulting in the issuance of land title deeds to 262 people today, which is commendable. It has helped many families of people have the opportunity to use it to create jobs, generate income, increase productivity, and develop their own and their families’ careers, which is an important foundation for the sustainability of both society and the country’s economy.

‘The land title deed is a very important document of title. It can be used as collateral and as a source of capital for business. Land is becoming increasingly rare and expensive. Therefore, I would like to ask the peop
le to please cherish their land and not sell or transfer it unnecessarily. Also, please keep the land title deed, which is an important document of title, safe and do not lose it or allow others to deceive you. If you wish to register any rights or legal transactions, you can seek advice from any land official. For those who have not yet received the land title deed and your land can be issued a land title deed according to the Land Code, the Land Department, through the Land Title Survey Center, will proceed with the process for the people,’ said Mr. Anutin.

Mr. Anutin said that all activities that took place today were a concrete reaffirmation of how extensive the work of the Ministry of Interior is and how much it directly impacts the happiness and suffering of the people, whether it is managing land title deeds, solving problems regarding title deeds to create stability in life, taking care of the safety of people’s lives and property, promoting tourism to increase income, and the missions of the village
headmen who closely look after the people.

On the occasion of Kamnan and Village Headman Day (10 August) this year, kamnans and village headmen all over the country received commemorative medals bestowed by His Majesty, which is considered an immeasurable act of kindness and a great honor. Therefore, all who receive them are asked to wear this medal on the left side of their shirt with their uniform every time for good fortune and encouragement in performing their duties, which is a symbol showing loyalty to the head of state of the nation.

In addition, I would like to ask those who are supervisors and supervisors to please take care of your subordinates. Being a person who works and people see and reward in various forms is considered a way to create encouragement, inspiration and a good example, as we have given awards today. -319

Source: Thai News Agency