“Anusorn” reveals the 2015 budget discussion, recommends developing the ThaiWater app.

Internal Affairs

Parliament, “Anusorn” explains progress of budget debate 68, has suggestions to develop ThaiWater app to report water and weather situation for people to see easily, so they can prepare for it in a timely manner, consider defense budget tomorrow.

Mr. Anusorn Aimsa-ard, MP for the Pheu Thai Party, as a spokesman for the Special Committee to consider the draft of the 2025 Fiscal Year Budget Act, announced the results of the committee’s weekly consideration, stating that the previous committee meeting took 9 days and 72 hours. There were 11 central budget items, 72 agencies, and 13 funds that were considered, or 3.16%.

Yesterday (8 July), there was a consideration of agencies under Section 13, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, which is a science and technology agency, which is considered an agency that is important for the development of national resources in many aspects, including human resources, public health, industrial development, environment, etc., in which many commi
ttee members provided suggestions on issues that are beneficial to development, both in terms of research and innovation, which were further developed in various aspects, such as transportation, development of the Economic Corridor of Innovation Zones, dissemination of science and technology that are beneficial to the daily lives of the people, the use of technology to preserve the environment, etc.

Another agency that is considered very important is the Hydro-Informatics Institute (Public Organization) or HSI. Many committee members have made various suggestions and discussed it extensively. Since HSI is an agency with a primary mission in water information, HSI’s work is considered to increase the efficiency of various agencies 1 to be able to use this information effectively, which will be beneficial to solving flood and drought problems for the general public comprehensively. For the ThaiWater application that reports the water situation and weather conditions of the country, many committee members have
suggested developing an application that is convenient for the general public to use and easy to view information, so that they can prepare to deal with water situations in a timely manner.

Today (9 July) the committee meeting is scheduled to consider budget units that are universities. The consideration will be done via video conference. The groups for consideration are as follows: 10 state universities, 10 state-controlled universities, 16 state-controlled universities, 38 Rajabhat universities, and 9 Rajamangala universities of Technology.

For the establishment of the subcommittee in the special committee to consider the draft budget bill for fiscal year 2025, the information is currently being prepared because the consideration format must be set to be consistent with the mission for maximum efficiency in the consideration and the consideration time frame must be considered. Since fiscal year 2025 is the first time for the agencies under Section 33, local administrative organizations, in the part of sub
-district municipalities, totaling 2,247 agencies, to enter the budget system, it is necessary for all such agencies to pass the consideration from the special committee meeting room (large committee meeting room) before entering the consideration level of the committee to allow the agencies to become familiar with the budget system. In the committee meeting, if there is progress in considering additional budgets, the committee spokesperson will come to report the progress to the media again.

Mr. Anusorn said that tomorrow (July 10), the committee will consider the Ministry of Defense budget, which will have representatives of agencies under the Ministry of Defense come to explain.

Source: Thai News Agency