? Afternoon briefing on December 1

Internal Affairs

The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency.

– National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue held talks with his Cambodian counterpart Samdech Khuon Sudary after an official welcome ceremony for the Cambodian NA leader in Hanoi on December 1.

Noting that the official visit to Vietnam from November 30 to December 2 is her first foreign trip as the President of the Cambodian NA, Samdech Khuon Sudary stressed that the visit demonstrates the importance that Cambodia attaches to its neighbourliness and traditional friendship with Vietnam as well as the relations between the two legislative bodiesPresident Vo Van Thuong’s freshly-concluded visit to Japan has reaped significant and comprehensive achievements, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son told the press.

The President, his spouse, and a high-ranking delegation of Vietnam arrived at Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi on November 30 evening, concluding the? four-day official visit to Japan at the inv
itation of the Japanese StateThe Vietnam-Russia Committee on Educational, Scientific and Technological Cooperation convened its fourth meeting in Hanoi on December 1 to review and assess the results of cooperation activities, and outline orientations for the coming time.

Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Tran Hong Thai said that since the two governments signed an agreement on the establishment of their strategic partnership in education, science and technology in November 2014, the two sides have gained certain achievements in collaboration in these fields, with remarkable contributions of meetings of the committee. The first Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia border friendship exchange is slated for mid-December in the tri-border area that comprises Ngoc Hoi district in Vietnam’s Central Highland province of Kon Tum, Laos’ Attapeu province, and Cambodia’s Ratanakiri province as well as in Kon Tum city.

The information was unveiled at a press conference held by the Ministry of National Defence in Han
oi on December 1The principle of non-discrimination and equality among all members of the community is the core of the Vietnam’s constitutional system, and is concretised through various legislative reforms, Y Thong, Deputy Minister and Vice Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs, has reaffirmed.

He was defending the combined 15th to 17th national periodic report on the implementation of the International Convention on the CERD during 2013-2019, at the 111th session of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) which is taking place from November 20 to December 8Vietnam’s e-commerce is expected to reach 20.5 billion USD this year, affirming its important role in the national digital economy, heard a conference held by the Vietnam E-commerce and Digital Economy Agency under the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) in Hanoi on December 1.

In his remarks, Deputy Minister Do Thang Hai noted that the domestic e-commerce market has witnessed the formation of a secondary servi
ce supply system, referring to technology platform services in support of e-commerce transactions, marketing services, online marketing communications and delivery services. The Vietnam Youth Federation (VYF) Central Committee and Google jointly organised a forum on information safety on cyberspace for young people and the elderly in Hanoi on November 30.

In his remarks at the forum, Nguyen Huu Tu, standing member of the Presidium of the VYF Central Committee, said the emergence of digital platforms has greatly facilitated youth work, citing examples like the use of such apps as Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom and Google Meet, youth unions and associations can easily manage their activities and hold regular online meetings. The northern province of Quang Ninh will host the 26th ASEAN Insurance Regulators’ Meeting (AIRM-26) and the 49th ASEAN Insurance Council Meeting (AIC-49) from December 5-8.

Themed ‘sustainable, comprehensive and connected’, the events expect about 150 delegates representing insurance
management agencies and businesses from the 10 ASEAN member countries, the ASEAN Secretariat, and the ASEAN Insurance Training and Research Institute (AITRI). Vietnamese firms and their Chinese peers inked 21 agreements and economic contracts in agro-forestry-fishery import and export, trade, logistics, and high-tech agriculture at a November 30 business networking forum held in the northern coastal province of Quang Ninh.

The forum took place as part of the ongoing 15th Vietnam-China tourism and trade fair in Mong Cai city. It was held to enable managers, policy planners, and businesses from both countries to exchange information, identify difficulties and challenges, and propose measures to promote their trade of agro- forestry-fishery products./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency