“A step forward”, the three major speeches People flocked to listen tightly.


Go far ahead”, Sam Yan’s main speech, “Pitha” Chuwara, “9 changes of the government, far ahead”, focusing on straightforwardness. It is a change that people long for – trust.

The Kao Klai Party held its final big speech before the election yesterday (April 22, 2023) at Sam Yan Mitr Town. with party leaders joining in unison After the end of this speech Each campaign leader and assistant will spread the vote in every region of the country. before reuniting on May 12, the day of the last major speech before the election. The atmosphere of the speech was lively. There were people attending the hearing until it was full and overflowing the area. The 1,500 seats that were prepared were insufficient. All seats were filled in about 10 minutes, and about 2,000-3,000 people of all ages were expected to attend the speech throughout the event.

Before the speech, Miss Sirikanya Tansakul, Deputy Leader of the Kao Klai Party, Mr. Parit Watcharasinthu, Communications and Campaign Manager for the Kao Klai Party policy. and Ms. Pannika Wanich, a committee member of the Faculty of Progress Foundation and a campaign assistant for the Progressive Party. has opened the stage for people waiting to hear the speech Ask questions live whether it is a question about education policy good quality study hours reduce class – homework – exams public health policy Reduce working hours for medical personnel Anti-Corruption Policy Build a good system rather than relying on good people, etc.

Mr. Natcha Boonchai-Insawat, candidate for Bangkok District 27 (Bang Bon and Bang Khun Thian), number 1 and deputy secretary-general of the Kao Klai Party, said that the victory of the Future Forward Party in 2019 had broken down half of the wall. Can get 81 people to speak in the House of Commons, later becoming the Progressive Party We have already made changes in the legislative branch even in the opposition, so this cycle cannot be passed. We want to go into another kind of work. Is the government side, on May 14, moving forward must be the government only for change for the future of all Thai children

Mr. Zia Champatong, candidate for the party-list MP The labor leader said many things in the country were created by the work of the brothers, such as large buildings, shiny mall spaces. but with the structure of Thailand Make the laborer work for 20-30 years and never get rich. There are only expenses and debts. For the past 10 years, the labor brothers have placed their hopes on many political parties. But today he, as a laborer, has come in by himself. therefore inviting everyone to join the fight against the far-reaching party He will prove that the workers will change the country into a welfare state and democracy.

Mr. Piyabutr Saengkanokkul, secretary of the Faculty of Progress and a campaign assistant for the Kao Klai Party, said that in the past, political struggles to change society. There is always a longing for the events of the past battles. or events abroad But thinking about the past has become a way of framing the future. block new imaginations In which the election on May 14 is trying to bring Thai society back to the past as well. One side will bring Thai society back to the 1970s, the other will take us back to the 1997s. must not bring the country back to the past Whether it’s the 1977 model that economic policies lead to paying tribute to big capital groups Let it exploit the economic rent. There are many parties without ideology Set up a party to gather enough MPs to ask to divide the ministerial chair, or like the 1997 economic policy that only thought about stimulating the economy. Expanding a big cake for capital to grow and then share it with a few people through some policies There is only one large party, take the Sor. All MPs were included regardless of ideology. Thinking only to win the election decisively When there is a political crisis or a coup d’état, they move to join the military and come back one day.

We invite all the most powerful people of the country. must work together to break the frame of memories of the past that imprison the future Working together to create a new future that will not be like 1977 and 1997, but a new future that dares to collide with the root of the problem. Dare to change the structure of politics, economy, society, use the supreme power of the people on May 14, opening the door to a new imagination. and new possibilities Choosing a far-reaching party to make a landslide so that Thailand will never be the same again

Mr. Chaitawat Tulathon, secretary of the Kao Klai Party, said that someone told future-forward politics. Progressive politics is an impossible fantasy. This country is already good enough. don’t think about changing anything Why do we have to be pressed to be modest, sufficiency, can think as far as possible, solve immediate problems, patch up a few things, opposite the conservatives? This is the origin of the Future Forward Party. and the far-reaching party today because we believe that we must dream And our dreams are possible. Over the past 4 years, people can see how much the House of Representatives has changed. The policy concept of abolishing military conscription-reforming the army is why all parties take it to campaign. Previously suppressed gender equality policies to become a competitive policy now If you don’t dare to think, dare to dream, there will be no Future Forward Party – moving far. Imagine what this country would be like.

We don’t believe people own it. People are not fish in anyone’s pond. but the people hurt and remember Which one do you choose? For going forward, we have thought and proven. 4 years ago, we work in politics with straightforwardness. We try to do our best to repay every vote given by the people. Not considerate of anyone, the only person who is respectful of the people If you like politics like this, on May 14, you will go far to create change. Ka went a long way to get Prayut away. Take Pravit out with you. Ka has gone a long way in bringing new people to run the country and doing what the old politicians failed to do.

Mr. Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit The chairman of the Progressive Committee and a campaign assistant for the Progressive Party said he had traveled to many provinces. Many people said that the election was done. Whoever you choose, it’s the same. Life has never been better, for this reason, the Kao Klai Party used the slogan in the 2023 election that Ka Kao Klai, Thailand is not the same. to say that the picture of Thailand in the dream of the Progressive Party, such as a country that is a democracy not include power center No corruption Civil liberties are guaranteed. Create a welfare state that takes care of people from birth to death. If the people have the same dream as the Progressive Party want the party to take a step forward in building Thai society through this election In the past, people said that the Kao Klai Party had no experience and could not work, but it’s been four years. The Progressive Party proved to be working in the House of Commons. stand out from other political parties Some said the Progressive Party proposed something too quickly. But he had to say that the suffering of the people could not wait. Some say the welfare state can’t do it. But he had to say that the problem didn’t start with saying he could or couldn’t do it. But it’s up to you to do or not do. Is there enough political will? or some say The party moves far to solve the problem at its root. will be isolated But if you have to be isolated from politicians without ideology But friends with the people The Progressive Party chose this. If the progressive party is the executive branch and can’t do as they say He will not be a campaign assistant for the next election. 14 May The future of Thailand lies in everyone’s hands. If you believe that Thailand’s problem is not an issue. But it’s a structural problem. Therefore, the structure must be unlocked. If you believe that this is not the time for Thai people to be modest. But it’s time to be bold and ambitious. Ask for a chance for the Progressive Party to become a government. Ask for a chance for Pita Limcharoenrat to become Prime Minister. The crows took a long step to smash both leaves. Is there enough political will? or some say The party moves far to solve the problem at its root. will be isolated But if you have to be isolated from politicians without ideology But friends with the people The Progressive Party chose this. If the progressive party is the executive branch and can’t do as they say He will not be a campaign assistant for the next election. 14 May The future of Thailand lies in everyone’s hands. If you believe that Thailand’s problem is not an issue. But it’s a structural problem. Therefore, the structure must be unlocked. If you believe that this is not the time for Thai people to be modest. But it’s time to be bold and ambitious. Ask for a chance for the Progressive Party to become a government. Ask for a chance for Pita Limcharoenrat to become Prime Minister. The crows took a long step to smash both leaves. Is there enough political will? or some say The party moves far to solve the problem at its root. will be isolated But if you have to be isolated from politicians without ideology But friends with the people The Progressive Party chose this. If the progressive party is the executive branch and can’t do as they say He will not be a campaign assistant for the next election. 14 May The future of Thailand lies in everyone’s hands. If you believe that Thailand’s problem is not an issue. But it’s a structural problem. Therefore, the structure must be unlocked. If you believe that this is not the time for Thai people to be modest. But it’s time to be bold and ambitious. Ask for a chance for the Progressive Party to become a government. Ask for a chance for Pita Limcharoenrat to become Prime Minister. The crows took a long step to smash both leaves. and can’t do as they say He will not be a campaign assistant for the next election. 14 May The future of Thailand lies in everyone’s hands. If you believe that Thailand’s problem is not an issue. But it’s a structural problem. Therefore, the structure must be unlocked. If you believe that this is not the time for Thai people to be modest. But it’s time to be bold and ambitious. Ask for a chance for the Progressive Party to become a government. Ask for a chance for Pita Limcharoenrat to become Prime Minister. The crows took a long step to smash both leaves. and can’t do as they say He will not be a campaign assistant for the next election. 14 May The future of Thailand lies in everyone’s hands. If you believe that Thailand’s problem is not an issue. But it’s a structural problem. Therefore, the structure must be unlocked. If you believe that this is not the time for Thai people to be modest. But it’s time to be bold and ambitious. Ask for a chance for the Progressive Party to become a government. Ask for a chance for Pita Limcharoenrat to become Prime Minister. The crows took a long step to smash both leaves.

Mr. Pita Limjaroenrat far-reaching party leader and the 30th Prime Minister candidate, closing speech, said If the Progressive Party becomes a government, it will cause “9 changes”, a historic time that has never happened in Thailand before. According to the strategy “Good politics, good mouth, good future” consists of (1) having a constitution of the people, by the people, for the people, from a disguised dictatorship to a full-fledged democracy; to be Thailand by electing provincial governors across the country. 3) There is a system for solving corruption problems. by transforming from a concealed state to a transparent state

4) Change from the land of capitalists, warlords, feudal lords to become the land of the people. 5) For labor throughout the country. change from raising wages to the will of those in power It is a wage increase that varies according to the cost of living. It will go up immediately to 450 baht before going up automatically according to the cost of living. 6) Change from expensive electricity bills to fair electricity bills. create energy democracy with free solar cell 7) change from lucky welfare like during the COVID period when it doesn’t rain all over the sky incomplete remedy This life reminisces only about death. transformed into universal welfare that does not require proof of poverty

8) Transforming education from learning more and getting less It’s a very focused class. return time to teacher No need to do administrative work don’t have to watch do something useless Allowing teachers to have time to fully teach our children and 9) This will be the first time in Thai history. That the economic system will work for everyone in the country, not just 1% of people, do not have to wait for the cake to grow first and then share But we will start sharing cakes from now on and grow together. I like the approach of the Progressive Party on 14 May, wanting the Progressive Party to allow new people to change the country. Going far to make Thailand different The Progressive Party’s victory will be the highest victory for all people. We’ve come too far to lose. Let everyone walk every road, knock on every door, be part of the change. Change Bangkok change thailand and change this world together.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency