Zero Down Time scheme successfully applied during ASEAN Summit: PLN


Jakarta (ANTARA) – State-run electricity company PT PLN claimed to have successfully ensured electricity power supply by applying the Zero Down Time (ZDT) scheme during the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), on May 9-11, 2023.PLN President DirectorDarmawan Prasodjo, in a written statement received in Jakarta on Friday, stated that the company had ensured reliable electricity on the first day of the summit by applying the ZDT scheme at the venues of the international event. ccording to Prasodjo, electricity load during the period from the first day to the second day turned out to be accurately projected and remained below the overall supply power of Flores at 105 megawatts (MW). “Praise be to God, we are deeply grateful for being able to partake in ensuring the smooth running of the 42nd ASEAN Summit. This success story will open the eyes of the world that Indonesia is always ready to host any crucial events that discuss the world’s future,” Prasodjo affirmed. In addition to reliable supply power, he affirmed that PLN had successfully managed to provide its best services with regard to electric vehicles (EVs) during the summit. The company has charged hundreds of EVs of the delegates, security units, and the summit’s operational with public electric vehicle charging stations (SPKLUs). “As of Thursday (May 11) evening, we recorded 1,852 charges of EVs at the SPKLUs, with the power totaling 14,639 kilowatt hour (kWh),” he noted. Earlier, PLN had provided as many as 108 SPKLUs to support the ASEAN Summit. The stations were provided to meet the needs of 371 vehicles of the delegates as well as of the operational committees. He believes this success was the outcome of a sound level of synergy and collaboration between PLN, the NTT Provincial Government, West Manggarai District Government, Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI), National Police (Polri), and all related stakeholders. “Of course, this success story would not be realized without the involvement of all parties to support PLN, so that we can provide the finest electricity service for the event. This is a joint feat in making the nation proud,” he affirmed.

Source: Antara News Agency