Younger sister visits “Sia Ton’s wife” revealed that they only talked about their children.


Wang Thonglang Police Station,, Relatives of the wife of “Sia Ton”, the accused in the murder case. Visit at Wang Thonglang Police Station We only talk about children. After finding out that he was stressed after hearing the news from his parents

Ms. Som, sister of Ms. Wannipa or Mod, wife of Mr. Phichit or Sia Ton, came to visit her sister at the accused control room. Wang Thonglang Police Station Today I brought a wonderful gift in a gray paper bag. which has snacks and milk, Ms. Som is not yet comfortable giving an interview Just to briefly say that now all 3 grandchildren are taken care of by themselves. Everyone is in normal condition. Nothing happened after my sister was arrested. Meanwhile, the older sister didn’t ask for anything more. Today I intend to come visit. and will travel back

When asked if her mother, who lives in Maha Sarakham Province, knew about the matter or not, Ms. Som said that she was aware of the matter. but did not travel I only called to inquire out of concern.

As for the issu
e of Ms. Som being implicated by a close person. that may be involved In terms of instigation, Ms. Som said that she would like to ask a lawyer about this matter. But personally I didn’t think anything of it. After this, we will consult with the family and lawyers regarding the incident whether there will be a further press conference or not.

Ms. Som then went to visit Ms. Wannipa in the accused control room. The two had a conversation through the mirror. At some point, Ms. Som picked up her phone and made a video call with someone. Before turning the phone screen to Ms. Wannipa, they talked for another 5 minutes before hanging up.

After spending about 15 minutes visiting, the reporter tried to inquire what had been discussed with Ms. Wannipaban, Ms. Som answered briefly that there was a discussion about her older sister’s child.

Source: Thai News Agency