“Yod” reversed Confessed to killing father and son to pay off debts.


Overnight exam Mr. Yod, who claimed to be just a bird, deceived Mr. Hoi’s father and son to kill his friend. Instead, Lam confessed to being the one who committed the murder. Because they hope to use the money to pay off debts.

Progress of the case of Mr. Coin, 62 years old, and Mr. Piyapong, 32 years old, Mr. Hoi’s father and son, who were on patrol to trade cattle, were brutally killed by the thugs, stuffed the bodies in the back of a pickup truck, and left in camouflage in the field near Ban Non Sawan. Moo 8, Nong Itao Subdistrict, Yang Talat District, Kalasin Province Before the villagers came to find the body on the morning of September 19, the day after the couple went to the cattle-buffalo flea market. At that time, the authorities set up a murder knot as a stealth murder and a dispute over the sale of cattle, and Mr. Chontee or Yod, 20 years old, a former doctor and Mr. Hoi like the victim, was detained for interrogation. Before the couple was found dead.

Exam Throttling for Hours primary Mr. Yod t
estified and confirmed that he was the one who deceived the father and son to a friend who was allegedly involved in drugs to kill him. But the police did not believe the testimony because they found evidence and found contradictions in many evidences. Police Brigadier Tritriwit Sriprapha Kalasin Provincial Police Commander came to take the exam by himself. In the end, Mr. Yod couldn’t stand the pressure. Instead, Lam opened his mouth and confessed that he was the one who killed the father and son with his hands, and who testified at the beginning that it was a bird that was deceived by his friend. Make up a story.

The fact is that on the day of the incident, he met Mr. Coin and Mr. Piyapong at the cattle and buffalo flea market, then tricked the couple to come and see the cows in the field. He pulled out a gun and shot both of them dead. Before putting the body in the car, he drove it to dump in the middle of the field in the Kalasin area. He threw the gun into the village pond and snatched the deceased’s p
roperty by taking 30,000 baht in cash to pay off the debt, while the gold necklace was deposited with his wife in Roi Et.

The police took Mr. Yod to the scene of the incident and reported 5 serious charges, including killing another person with premeditation, stealing property using a firearm as the cause of death, possession of a firearm or ammunition without permission, carrying a firearm or ammunition without permission, and moving to conceal the body.

Source: Thai News Agency