WTO has set the framework for negotiations for the 13th Trade Ministers’ Meeting.


Geneva, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Thailand to the World Trade Organization and World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva revealed that the WTO has released a package for the 13th Trade Ministers’ Meeting, with Thailand providing support. Important to negotiations in the agricultural and food sectors and negotiations on fisheries subsidies are the first priority.

Mrs. Pimchanok Pittfield, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Thailand to the World Trade Organization and World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva, revealed that negotiations are currently underway to prepare for the 13th WTO Trade Ministerial Meeting that will It takes place in Abu Dhabi. United Arab Emirates Between 26-29 February 2024, it has intensified to the point where a draft of the Abu Dhabi Ministerial Declaration (Abu Dhabi Ministerial Declaration) has been issued as a framework. along with the draft agreement on two other important matters, namely the agreement on agriculture and the agreement
on subsidizing fisheries in the second sector But everything still needs to be negotiated in more detail before it reaches Abu Dhabi at the end of the month.

Since the end of 2023, WTO member countries have begun to conclude negotiations on several matters following the 12th Trade Ministerial Meeting that will be included in the Ministerial Declaration. Including finding a common position to draft an agreement on agricultural sector reform that is linked to food security. and the draft agreement on subsidizing fisheries in the second sector These two matters have been negotiated for a long time. There are many conflicting positions and complex and sensitive issues. But in the past two weeks Members eventually accepted the draft proposed by the negotiating committee chairman as the basis for negotiations.

However, aside from agriculture and fisheries, the MC13 meeting will have other important issues such as (1) the conclusion of Timor-Leste and the Comoros Union’s accession to the WTO, and (2) negotiations
to reform the dispute settlement process and organization. WTO (3) Consideration of the extension of the period of not collecting customs duties on electronic transmission (4) Discussion of ways that the WTO will proceed to support COVID and various epidemics in the future (5) Finding ways to help developing countries Developed and less developed and (6) adding new negotiation issues to keep WTO rules up to date with the modern world, such as reviewing WTO rules to be conducive to protecting the environment and solving global warming problems. Industrial development policy, development of MSMEs, and upgrading the role of women in the commercial economy. There is also likely to be an announcement of the success of multilateral negotiations on investment facilitation. Implementation of internal regulations in the service sector

for Thailand Give importance to negotiations in the agricultural and food sectors. And negotiations on fisheries subsidies are the first priority because it is a matter that the governm
ent attaches great importance to. As for agriculture, under the management of Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce, it has been very successful in ensuring that prices of important agricultural products in the country have continued to rise since assuming office. But the competitive situation of agricultural products outside the country is still very intense. By the policy of subsidizing and reserving more food than necessary in many countries. Including the issuance of measures to prohibit exports of important trading partners. As a result, agricultural product prices in the world market fluctuate and become unstable. This makes it difficult to prepare for production in the following year. Especially in large agricultural exporting countries like India. which announced a ban on the export of certain types of rice But instead, they allowed trading partners to come and negotiate exemptions on a country-by-country basis and did not report the measures to the WTO, which caused
Thailand to lose some of its former customers. and there is no clarity on the duration of the measures. It is likely that India will use this method more.

Thailand must follow the negotiations closely to prevent losing benefits in exporting rice and other agricultural products. and to maintain the Thai export market through negotiations to create the most fair multilateral rules. In the matter of negotiations on fisheries subsidies in the second sector It focuses on regulations regarding subsidies that lead to overfishing and overfishing. and providing flexibility to developing countries The Thai government is in the process of revising policies and measures related to the fishing sector and all fishermen. The Thai attitude in negotiating this matter therefore emphasizes that it is consistent with the direction of government policy that places importance on local fishing. and raise standards and inspections (traceability) of Thai fishery products at the same time This is considered an approach that is consis
tent with current international trade.

In addition to agriculture and fisheries, which have many sensitive negotiation details,

However, now there is a sensitive issue that was not expected before, namely the negotiations regarding electronic commerce. Recently, the United States announced a review of its digital policy. Ready to withdraw all relevant proposals and positions on the issue of access to data in multilateral negotiations. And major developing countries are calling for digital trade regulations to allow for more flexible domestic policy. This conflict arises because every country recognizes the importance of future economies that rely on digital trade and modern technology. Including ownership rights in digital content such as music, movies, concerts, books, and even rights in access to related technology. It is expected that this matter will definitely reach the hands of the minister.

As for the geopolitical conflict that is currently taking place, In the current negotiations, there has not be
en much impact on MC13, unlike the previous ministerial meeting. But what is more interesting is the upcoming elections in many major countries this year, which will result in each country taking a strong stance. Not easily flexible, such as Indonesia, India or the European Union which are facing protests by farmers and peasants in many countries and the United States where there will be a presidential election at the end of this year. This makes it impossible to have a clear stance on many matters, such as dispute resolution. Electronic commerce, etc. But what is certain is that the United States will take a tough stance against China. and are more likely to use trade protection measures. which is not good for international trade

As for the 13th trade minister meeting at the end of this month. There should be agreement on important matters, but it may not be complete on every issue. There will also be a foundation for negotiations on new issues that will continue after the meeting, most importantly on the e
nvironment, global warming, industrial development policy. Review of green subsidies And there may be security and trade issues as well. which must be followed closely.

Source: Thai News Agency