“Wisut” reveals policy statement to parliament on 12-13 September.

Internal Affairs

Wisut” reveals the government’s policy statement to the parliament on 12-13 Sept., confirms no need to appoint bodyguards to protect “PM Yingluck” because she is not new to politics, just has never worked in the parliament.

Mr. Wisut Chainarun, Pheu Thai Party list MP and government whip, revealed the dates for the government policy statement to parliament are September 12 and 13. Normally, it takes no more than 30 hours. This time, the policy is still the same, so it may take less than 30 hours, maybe about 1 and a half days, to consider it. On Monday, September 9, the whips of the three parties will talk and negotiate about the time frame, and he believes that time is not a problem.

Mr. Wisut said that in the consideration of the draft of the 2025 fiscal year budget bill, the second reading, there was good cooperation from the opposition. There were almost no protests. Everyone abided by the rules and mutual understanding. The opposition had a duty to monitor. The government in the committee also explain
ed, which went smoothly and within the time frame. Everything went smoothly. The vote on the third reading today (September 5) should not be later than 9:00 p.m.

‘Today, we will know everything. The juniors will check the names at 9 pm. We will know who is real and who is fake. Who is really in the government or not. It is good that they asked who is coming and which party is coming. I myself cannot remember. There were some problems in the past days. For example, some new parties came and we did not know who to contact because we have not appointed whips yet. Using personal relationships may cause some problems, but there are no problems or obstacles. But after today, we will know and the Prime Minister will probably appoint new whips. In the past, I admit that it was rushed. Some people who came had not yet been appointed whips. Some parties came halfway and we checked the names, but there were no problems in practice,’ said Mr. Wisut.

When asked about the votes of some coalition parties that did not vote
in the same direction, Mr. Wisut said that we did not interfere because it was the privilege of the MP representatives. They had the privilege to vote for whoever they wanted. It was not forced to that extent, but the party resolution was important. However, he did not check it.

As for whether there was any discussion with the Democrat Party or any verbal agreement in the vote, Mr. Wisut said that there was already a verbal agreement, that is, the votes were in the same direction, but not all of them. It is well known that the majority of votes came from the government, with a few votes, which is considered the privilege of the MPs. No problem.

When asked whether the policy statement day will require the preparation of bodyguards to protect the prime minister, Mr. Wisut said that in the past, there has been nothing serious, unlike the time he was in, when it was quite strong. Most of the MPs these days are people who have graduated with high levels of education, have knowledge and skills in various legal an
d foreign affairs, and are ready to explain certain matters without the need for bodyguards to protect them. They can go on comfortably, like the consideration of the budget bill in the past two days, where the opposition has the duty to object and question the government, and it has the duty to explain and answer. Personally, he is not worried or concerned about anything.

As for what many people are worried about, Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, the Prime Minister, who may be new to politics, Mr. Wisut stated that she is not new because she was born and started to understand things while living in the Prime Minister’s house. She has been involved in politics for a long time, maybe more than some MPs. She cannot be called new just because she has not yet performed her duties in the parliament, but she knows everything. Personally, I admit that since working with Ms. Paethongtarn as the leader of the Pheu Thai Party and becoming the Prime Minister, I am very proud because we met together and knew everything. She
can answer clearly and directly. She is strong and has progressive ideas because she is a new generation. There has never been a Prime Minister aged 37-38 in Thailand. There may be changes quickly. Many people who want to be quick will think and act quickly to benefit the people.

Mr. Wisut emphasized that there was no need to tutor the Prime Minister because even though he had not been in the parliament for over a year, he had been with the Pheu Thai Party and was very close. He could pick up the phone and talk about many things with many MPs. It would be quick and solve problems immediately because he did not have to go through the same steps as before because he could talk every week. Before becoming the Prime Minister, he had arranged to have dinner with the new generation in the Pheu Thai Party. He had a lot of information. He was confident that it would not be a problem or an obstacle because he was a newbie at all.

Source: Thai News Agency