“Wirote” does not want to predict the outcome of the Move Forward Party dissolution case, confident in the honesty

Internal Affairs

Move Forward Party, ‘Wirote’ does not want to predict the outcome of the Move Forward Party dissolution case, asks to wait and see on August 7, confident in honesty, has nothing to fear, reveals that a second plan has been prepared.

Mr. Wiroj Lakkhanaadisorn, MP of the Move Forward Party, revealed that the fate of the Move Forward Party dissolution case will be decided on August 7th. He said that at the moment, they will have to wait and see because they cannot do anything more than wait and listen. He personally learned that people wanted to give encouragement and follow the Constitutional Court’s consideration, so they were informed that they could follow the consideration and give encouragement at the Move Forward Party because it would be a more appropriate place. He also denied that inviting people to come was not a way to pressure the court’s consideration process. It was because people might not be comfortable if they traveled to the parliament or the Constitutional Court to gather.

As for the resul
ts of the trial, Mr. Wiroj said that he personally did not expect to receive good or bad news. Therefore, the reason for inviting the people to the Move Forward Party on August 7th was to just meet with the people and talk in general. He also personally believed that the Election Commission (EC)’s petition was against its own regulations. There were many steps that were rushed, and there were many issues that were filed that were not true. The Move Forward Party fought both the law and the facts regarding the evidence, and the court accepted the case. We are not worried because we have done our best. He confirmed that we are not discouraged and will continue working. He told the MPs not to think too much. It is useless to wait until August 7th.

If the trial results are negative, has the Move Forward Party prepared the party and individuals to take over the baton? Mr. Wiroj said that they have not prepared anything to that extent, but there is a mechanism to prepare for what to do next. Let’s call it a plan B

‘To say that there are none would be wrong. But if I say that I am absolutely certain that we must go with Plan B, I cannot say that. Whether it will be good or bad, there are solutions that we have prepared. But we have to admit that it will take some energy and determination. To say that we are chill and have nothing would be impossible. But there are solutions, one, two, three, four. But if it comes to the point of whether we have prepared anything 100% or not, I would say that is not true,’ said Mr. Wirot.

Mr. Wiroj said that if it is dissolved and cannot stop the Move Forward Party, then it may not be dissolved, right? Or if it is dissolved, then it will make the Move Forward Party run faster than before, why should it be dissolved? There is also an inference in this option. But if you think that the country is under the rule of law and justice, and in the elements that we have fought, there is no reason to dissolve it, and we are confident in our honesty, then there is no need to be afraid of anythi

Source: Thai News Agency