“Wirot” advises “Paethongtarn” to solve 3 major issues before they become deeply ingrained.

Internal Affairs

“Wirote” came softly, pointing out that in 1 year, the Pheu Thai government has failed to solve the drug problem because they were busy amending the ministerial regulations. He suggested that “Paethongtarn” solve 3 major problems before the problems become deeply embedded.

Wiroj Lakkhanaadisorn, a party-list MP for the Prachachon Party, discussed the government policies of Prime Minister Paethongtarn Shinawatra to the parliament, saying that the government still has no clarity in solving the drug problem, both in terms of budget allocation and comprehensive implementation, from the previous government to the current government, which has no clarity in terms of policy. The government said it would solve the problem within 90 days, but after 84 days, it was found that it was busy amending ministerial regulations, ordering the legal department, and paying compensation.

Mr. Wirot also discussed that if the government does not solve the 3 issues, it will not be solved, but will cause deep-rooted problems in soc
iety that are difficult to solve: 1. The big bosses must be arrested and their assets seized. As for arresting the small ones, it must be done to expand the results to the big bosses, while the big bosses may arrest those who possess drugs for use more. Last year, there were 130,000 cases of drug use and possession, and it is believed that in 2024, more minor suspects will be arrested. In addition, in such cases, there will be more drug convicts, but the number of drug dealers will decrease.

‘Such arrests do not reduce the spread of drugs. When users or those in possession for use are arrested, they have criminal records, which hinders their ability to find jobs. Imprisoning users promotes network trading, and prisons become co-working spaces, which will immediately turn young drug dealers into hundred-pill-young people,’ said Mr. Wirot.

Mr. Wirot also discussed that the arrest and prosecution of users or those who possess drugs for use, the economic damage is estimated to be as high as 90,000 to 100,000 mi
llion baht. The measure that the government should focus on is not arresting to complete the case, but must focus on supporting the budget to work with the community and network partners to help users rehabilitate voluntarily.

Mr. Wirot also discussed that 2. Accelerate the voluntary rehabilitation of drug addicts, including supporting the budget for the community to participate in monitoring the rehabilitation of drug addicts in the community continuously, including providing a budget for long-term rehabilitation centers continuously. In addition, the 30 baht universal healthcare policy should be used for drug addicts as well. And 3. Accelerate the seizure of assets of major dealers.

Source: Thai News Agency