Winged ‘Phuket 7 Colored Lobster’ registered as a GI product, adding value


Bangkok: The Deputy Director-General of the Department of Intellectual Property has given the green light to allow the fishery product ‘Phuket 7-Colored Lobster’ to enter the Geographical Indication Protection System, or GI, making Phuket Province In addition to being the number 1 tourist province among southern provinces on the Andaman coast. It will increase tourism and product value even more. Plus aiming to be a soft power in the food sector of Thailand.

Ms. Kanittha Kangwanit, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Intellectual Property, said that Phuket Province It is considered to be the number 1 tourist province among southern provinces on the Andaman coast. From a summary of the tourism situation, in 2023 there were more than 10 million tourists visiting, generating more than 330,000 million baht in income, resulting in the local economy expanding rapidly and linking it to creating jobs and generating income in various industrial sectors in the province, such as Food, agriculture, fisheries, e
tc., which are industries that have the potential for strong growth. The Department of Intellectual Property is ready to fully support and promote GI products by controlling the quality of 2 GI products, namely Phuket pineapples and Phuket pearls, as well as 1 prospective GI product that is being advertised, namely Phuket buffalo oranges. as well as searching for new GI products to add value to local products and drive Phuket’s economy sustainably.

However, the Department sees the potential of Phuket’s fishery products, namely the Phuket 7-colored lobster, which is a famous economic animal. Tourists who visit Phuket will think of the lobster menu as the top priority. The Phuket 7-colored lobster has a large head and body. thick hard shell Have a strong mustache The shrimp come in many beautiful colors and have a body weight of 3.5-4.5 kilograms. They can be consumed both fresh and cooked. It is cultivated in the sea around Phuket and its satellite islands. It is considered to be a high priced seafood. The Ph
uket Lobster Festival has been held regularly for over 7 years and was even selected as a main ingredient in the APEC 2022 Gala Dinner menu.

In this visit to Phuket Province, the Department aims to create knowledge and understanding. and study the possibility of bringing Phuket 7-colored lobster products into the GI protection system and promoting them as soft power in the food industry of Thailand. There was a meeting to discuss. Brainstorm opinions of people related to the product. both government and private sector agencies in the area As well as visiting the product production process at the product production site

Source: Thai News Agency