West Sumatera keen to become a health tourism destination


Padang, West Sumatera (ANTARA) – West Sumatra provincial government is making an effort in improving health service facilities so that it can become a destination for health tourism.Currently, hospitals in West Sumatra have become an option for residents in other provinces who require health services, West Sumatra Governor Mahyeldi Ansharullah noted here, Sunday. Therefore, the quality of services in hospitals and health facilities in the province should continue to be improved, he added. The governor underlined the importance of adequate human resources and facilities as well as infrastructure support to improve the quality of health service at health facilities in West Sumatra. He also lauded the plan from the West Sumatra Islamic Hospital Foundation of Indonesia (Yarsi) to build an Islamic hospital and expects that the hospital can provide quality health service. “We expect that this (can) be one option for the people in medication,” he said. West Sumatra Yarsi launched the West Sumatera Waqf Foundation and organized fundraisingto build the Ibnu Sina Islamic Hospital in Padang Panjang City. “The fundraising for theIbnu Sina Islamic Hospital was opened in September 2022. As of March 2023, it has gathered Rp944,435,000 (US$62,765) of fund,” West Sumatra Yarsi’s Advisor Yasirwan said. Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno previously informed that 600 thousand to two million Indonesians chose to go to neighboring countries to receive health services. This is despite the fact that majority of these health services are also available domestically. He also supports West Sumatra as the center of health-based tourism with the support of regional governments and West SumatraYarsi. baca-jugaRelated news: Minister optimistic of regions emulating Sanur SEZ hospitalRelated news: RI President expects foreign tourists to again throng Bunaken IslandRelated news: International hospital targets residents seeking treatment abroad

Source: Antara News Agency (ANA)