“Wan Nor” clarified the order to close the council meeting. Flick discourage, turn off the switch, Sen.


Suvarnabhumi Airport, Aug. 5-“One Nor” clarified that the meeting was closed yesterday. It’s the best solution for the country. did not discourage the switch off of the Senate, as alleged, pointing out that it was because the MPs proposed interfering motions And if it is released to review the resolution on July 19, it will not be graceful, saying that it has been in the council for 40 years and has never reviewed the old resolutions.

Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor Matha, Speaker of the National Assembly, clarified about the case of ordering the parliament to close yesterday (August 4), confirming that it was the best solution for the country. After the issue of the mover of Mr. Rangsiman Rome, the party’s list of the Progressive Party, to request a review of the parliamentary resolution of July 19, the past with the interpretation of the regulations not to nominate Mr. Phitha Lim Chareonrat The party leader has repeatedly advanced in the vote for the second prime minister.

The Speaker of the National Assembly said he wanted to clarify for all parties to understand. Because there were accusations from some parties that the chairman rushed to close the meeting so that there would be no discussion of the motion. Amend the constitution, section 272, turn off the switch of the Senator. That is considered inconsistent with the facts. Because he intends to have a debate on the constitutional amendment motion such fully It was included in the agenda as the second agenda. and would like to be promoted to be the first agenda instead of the voting agenda for the Prime Minister that has not yet been able to proceed because it is in the process of the Constitutional Court considering but not yet Move the above agenda up for consideration. Mr. Rangsiman Rome returned to propose an urgent motion. come up to review The parliamentary resolution of 19 July, in spite of the resolution already implemented by Article 151 and by the Articles of Association, considered to be a decisive decision Therefore, asking for a review of the resolution that has a decisive effect already. will not be able to do Therefore, there is a debate on this matter. and this matter has been resolved And it is the same matter that the Constitutional Court will consider on August 16.

“Usually in the past If the matter is under consideration by the court The council will not consider that matter first. Because it’s an exercise of court’s power. and section 211 of the constitution clearly states that The decision of the Constitutional Court and the order of the Constitutional Court It is considered decisive and has ties to the parliament. Cabinet and all independent organizations Therefore, for us to cut ahead for consideration on August 4th, despite the fact that the Constitutional Court has determined that this matter will be considered on August 16th, there are 11 days left if we consider it first. I think it’s an act that I don’t like. because it is inconsistent with the court’s consideration of the same matter And if yesterday had considered and voted on this matter, if on August 16 the Constitutional Court’s decision did not match the resolution of the House? Think about it. Who will the damage happen to?” Wan Muhammad Noor said.

However, if there is a wait until August 16 and the Constitutional Court has finished considering We can take relevant matters into consideration again. but must comply with the decision or order of the Constitutional Court.

“We cannot know how the Constitutional Court decided. What reason do we have to do? I can’t tell but as Speaker of the National Assembly The leader of the organization is Parliament. We cannot bring our organization into trouble. with the organization that will judge us We are ready to follow members. If the offer is an offer that does not go back and forth Because it will reduce credibility,” Wan Muhammad Noor said.

Mr. Wan Muhamad Noor said he had to apologize. not rushing to close In order not to debate the amendment of Section 272, which has been waiting for almost an hour to wait for the members to complete and start the meeting And postpone the agenda for considering the amendment of Section 272, which many members wanted to discuss. Ready to confirm that he wants to have a full discussion. But the members refused to postpone this matter for consideration. and took urgent matters that were not on the agenda which has the right to offer but had to ask the reason why the members did not postpone The agenda for amending the constitution came up. Although he has asked many times

“The refusal to postpone the second term, namely amending the constitution, seems to confuse the council with outsiders. which is something that should not be done because on August 16, if the court’s final decision Everything will be able to move on. Both about the selection of the prime minister will choose again. If the court says it can, it can offer it; if it can’t, it can offer another person. where everything will come to an end because it is the supreme body that considers constitutional matters,” Wan Muhammad Noor said.

However, it is confirmed that it does not act for any party. or discourage any party Otherwise, will you wait an hour? Because if the members of the parliament are not complete Just half an hour can cancel the meeting.

“Let’s review. Suppose if you decide that you can choose again. and the Constitutional Court Considered randomly wanting to violate the court as well And the person to be accused is the Speaker of the National Assembly,” Wan Muhammad Noor said.

In this case Must there be an understanding with MPs, the party is far ahead or not? Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor stated that the pending matter When is the council open? Mr. Rangsiman’s motion can be taken into account Including motions of the Senate He confirmed that he had been in the House of Representatives for 40 years and had never reviewed the resolutions that the Parliament had already made. without reason Because the more you review, the more elegant you are. and the matter is the same. which the Constitutional Court is considering If left, it will be damaged.

Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor Mentioned the appointment of a joint parliamentary meeting again. We have to wait for the clarity of the Constitutional Court first. and will act as soon as possible The meeting is expected to be scheduled within 3 days, either August 18 or August 19, because it must be as soon as possible. But it must not violate the rules of the meeting. and must be done gracefully because if reviewing and having a resolution coming out like that that would not be graceful because it turned out that the council had to come and review its own resolutions And then there will be people to revisit that. What you are reviewing is incorrect. which, if so, would not be graceful He needs to maintain the image of the council, insisting that there is no escape, no reason, don’t think that the president doesn’t want to consider section 272, it’s not a fact. The acts clearly affirm that the chairman wants the discussion. But members do not want to debate.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency