Villagers in San Kamphaeng District who were hit by a summer storm Accelerate roof repairs


Chiang Mai, May 10 – Villagers of San Kamphaeng Subdistrict, San Kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province, whose houses were hit by a summer storm, hundreds of roofs were blown away. Accelerate the repair, replace the new roof. to keep up with the new storm

Villagers of many villages in San Kamphaeng Subdistrict, San Kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province that were hit by a summer storm. toppled tree Hundreds of roofs were blown away. Accelerate demolition of roofs of houses and establishments to replace the new roof in time for the new storm protect home assets But there are still some houses that are still unable to live. Locals said the storm was the strongest in 10 years.

One home owner stated that Hundreds of thousands of baht in property damage But received help from the government less than 50,000 baht. In San Kamphaeng District, there are people’s houses affected in 5 sub-districts, totaling more than 700 houses.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency