Vietnam one of most important partners of Brazil: Brazilian officialThe Prime Minister clarified that Chiang Mai would not be declared an emergency area, fearing that it would have a negative impact.

Internal Affairs

Buenos Aires: Vietnam is one of the most important partners of Brazil in Southeast Asia, Eduardo Paes Saboia, Secretary for Asia and the Pacific at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, has stated at the Vietnam-Brazil meeting recently held by the Vietnamese Embassy in Brasilia.

The official hailed the strong growth of bilateral trade over the past 20 years, which topped 7 billion USD in 2023.

Vietnam and Brazil will continue to cooperate with each other on the foundation of the common values in peace, friendship and mutual respect, he said at the event which marked the 35th anniversary of the Vietnam-Brazil diplomatic relations.

Brazil’s Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira will visit Vietnam in April, he revealed, expressing his belief that Vietnam will contribute to the success of Brazil’s G20 Presidency.

Meanwhile, Márcio Honaiser, President of the Brazil – Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group, held that Vietnam and Brazil will be a bridge connecting the South American Common Market (MERCOSUR) and
the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as other regional organisations. In addition to economic and trade relations, the two countries commit to strengthening cooperation in the fields of technology, culture, tourism and sports, promoting friendship and mutual understanding, he said.

General Secretary of the Brazil- Vietnam Friendship Association (ABRAVIET) Pedro de Oliveira said that over the past 13 years, the association has worked closely with the Vietnam Union of Friendship Associations (VUFO) to contribute to the growth of cooperation and friendship between the two nations.

Addressing the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to Brazil Bui Van Nghi underlined that in 2024, Vietnam and Brazil will organise various activities to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the diplomatic relations and the 17 years of comprehensive partnership, including a Vietnam Day in Brazil.

The diplomat affirmed the significance of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s visit to Brazil in last September, stressing that
Brazil is currently the largest Latin American partner of Vietnam.

On the occasion, the Vietnamese Embassy held a ceremony to present the ‘For peace, friendship among nations’ insignias to Miguel Peña, Honorary Consul of Vietnam in Bolivia; João Reis, Honorary Consul of Vietnam in Minas Gerais state of Brazil; and journalist Valter Xéu, CEO of Patria Latina Media Group, in recognition of their positive contributions to the people diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Brazil and Bolivia.

Earlier, Ambassador Nghi had working sessions with Celso Amorim, advisor to the Brazilian President, on the increase of high-lefel delegation exchanges and the realisation of commitments stated in the joint statement in Prime Minister Chinh’s visit to Brazil.

The diplomat also worked with Paco Britto, Vice Governor and Director for External Relations of the Federal District of Brasilia, on the organisation of the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Vietnam-Brazil diplomatic relations and the Vietnam Day in Brazil
as well as support to Vietnamese firms to explore the Brazilian market, and the seeking of location to name as Vietnam Street and honour President Ho Chi Minh./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

The Prime Minister explains the reason for not declaring Chiang Mai an emergency area. After high dust levels I’m afraid it will have more negative effects. Worried that it will affect tourism After just recovering from Covid

Today (17 Mar.) Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Posted a message via Why hasn’t Chiang Mai been declared an emergency area? while the dust level is high I have listened to opinions. and suggestions from all relevant sectors. I’m afraid that if the announcement is made, it will have more negative effects. Because what will happen after that is It will affect the number of foreign tourists who are just recovering after the impact of COVID-19. Because tourists who bought insurance from their home If traveling in a disaster zone or emergency area Insurance will not cover you immediately. Of course, Chiang Mai Province will lose tourists who intend to visit both short-term and long-term. We are worried here.

As for the central budget allocated by the government
to the National Park Department. The Ministry of Wealth was ready to disburse funds yesterday (March 16). I would like to emphasize that the allocation of this central budget It is an allocation of funds directly to the hands of volunteers who volunteer to take care of and monitor forest fires. This is the first time that a budget has been allocated in this way because we want to hire local people to take care of their area. According to the needs of the area and the budget given is more than the emergency budget.

There are many ways to manage dust. The government is ready to listen to all suggestions. But the government must decide on the good path. and is most effective for the citizens who also have to make a living’.

Source: Thai News Agency