Two youths from Mueang Buriram Village fought each other.


Buriram, Almost 20 teenagers from two villages fought in the middle of the Ban Pluem community market in Buriram Province. Each side was stabbed with a knife. Two people were hit with a wooden stick, causing parents to gradually bring their children to surrender. Shockingly, they ranged in age from 13-30 years.

A clip of two groups of teenagers fighting each other, including knives, sticks and bottles, attacking each other without stopping. The poster stated: ‘I wasn’t talented from birth. But my father taught me to open it when I was a child. Requesting police from Pakham District to help arrest and interrogate them all. The scene of the incident was Ban Pluem Phatthana Community Market, Khok Mamuang Subdistrict, Pakham District, Buriram Province, on the night of June 1, 2024, around 4-5 p.m. Bits and pieces

The news team went to the scene of the incident and found that it was a road in the middle of the Ban Pluem Phatthana Community Market intersection, Khok Mamuang Subdistrict, Pakham District, Buriram
Province. There were signs of broken bottles and fallen pieces of wood. Vendors selling goods were near the scene of the incident. Said that during the incident the store was closed. But the clip recorded was of villagers who lived in that area. Hearing a loud noise, he came out to take a look and recorded a picture. And it’s an image from the CCTV of a store near the scene of the incident. In this incident, two people were attacked and seriously injured. It is a serious event. If it happens while the store is still open for sale, you may be injured by the crossfire. The area where the incident occurred tends to have teenagers gathering together at night. Therefore, I would like the police to come and inspect the car. As for the relatives of the person who was harmed Come and ask to see the clip and CCTV. Use it as evidence to file a complaint against the person who seriously injured your grandchild.

Ms. Orathai and Ms. Penmee, the aunt and uncle of one of the injured, said they did not know what was the rea
son behind the group fighting. But is it an act that is too violent? Especially your own grandchildren If viewed from the CCTV camera Many of the youths of the opposing group attacked and attacked him. Both used a knife to cut, did not hit, his head was broken and required more than 30 stitches, and his foot received 2 stitches in a serious condition. I want the police to take legal action against the people who harmed my grandchildren. As a parent, I don’t want my own children. They had to attack and kill each other like this. What was shocking was the group of teenagers who attacked each other. Ages range from 13 years to 30 years.

While the police at Pakham Police Station, the owner of the area Preliminary investigation revealed that the teenagers who caused the attack were a group of teenagers from Ban Pleum Phatthana and Ban Thep, who had been enemies before. It is expected that we will meet soon. Then we might challenge each other. Causing the group to physically attack each other as shown in the clip.
Most recently, the parents of both groups of teenagers Gradually, they brought their own children and grandchildren to surrender to the investigating officers. Initially, it was considered a crime of voluntary quarrel. In the case of injuries, evidence must be found as to who attacked whom. In order to take legal action against the person who caused the incident according to the next steps.

Source: Thai News Agency