Total debtors entered the debt mediation process: 45,753 cases, 26,716 mediation cases were successful.

Internal Affairs

Interior Ministry reveals progress in solving the problem of informal debt. 45,753 people have entered the debt mediation process. 26,716 people were able to mediate successfully. Debt amount decreased by 1,048 million baht. Emphasis is placed on all provinces expediting the process of debt mediation to cover all cases.

Mr. Suthiphong Chulcharoen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, revealed that the Ministry of Interior has opened registration for citizens who wish for the government to help solve the problem of informal debt in accordance with government policy. With a total of 153,400 people registering, the Ministry of Interior has informed all provinces and districts to continue solving the problem of informal debt by inviting creditors and debtors to enter into the debt mediation process.

At 3:00 p.m., the Bureau of Investigation and Legal Affairs, Department of Provincial Administration, reported information on debt mediation nationwide. A total of 45,753 debtors have entered the mediat
ion process, with 26,716 successfully mediating. The total amount of debt has decreased by 1,048.183 million baht. There are 384 cases where creditors-debtors wish for officials to forward the matter to police investigators at local police stations for prosecution.

The five provinces that can invite creditors and debtors into the debt mediation process are 1. Songkhla Province, 4,378 cases, 2. Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, 4,146 cases, 3. Sisaket Province, 3,283 cases, 4. Nakhon Sawan Province, 2,669 cases, and 5. Nakhon Ratchasima Province, 2,270 cases. Creditors and debtors met to talk. with officials as mediators And after this, the relevant agencies will follow up after the debt negotiation. In order to solve the problem of informal debt problems, the entire process will be successful.

‘About solving the problem of informal debt problems throughout the country. Today, Songkhla Province is still the province with the most debtors entering the mediation process, with 4,378 cases, and 4 provinces, namely N
akhon Sawan, Sisaket, Narathiwat, and Ranong, have completed the mediation process with 100% of those who have registered. Therefore, we request all provinces that Remaining integrated with network partner agencies Expedite creditors and debtors to enter into the mediation negotiation process in all cases. To enable registered informal debtors to receive help and resolve their informal debt problems quickly and fairly. And the success of mediation in every case must be taken into account. If mediation cannot be used Immediately prosecute those who commit illegal acts. Because informal debt is considered illegal, meaning lending without a license. They also charge interest in excess of what is required by law,’ Mr. Suthipong added.

Mr. Suthiphong further said that he asked the provincial governor to set up a debt resolution clinic. Ready to emphasize to instruct the district chief. Assigned the District Community Development Office As secretary to the executive committee of the Center for Operations to Elimin
ate Poverty and Develop People of All Ages in accordance with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy at the district level (S.C.P.O.), implement solutions to solve problems and develop people of all ages sustainably (menu Solve poverty) to improve the quality of life for debtors who wish to receive assistance to reduce expenses, increase income, expand opportunities, as well as promote group formation to further create careers. Including the opportunity to access funding sources from government financial institutions. In order not to return to the cycle of informal debt. and be able to rely on themselves according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy So that people can improve their quality of life in a sustainable way.

‘Although registration for resolving problems with informal debt has already been closed, However, the debt mediation process And improving the quality of life of the people is not yet finished. Ask provincial governors and district chiefs to carry out public relations campaigns to create awa
reness among citizens who are suffering from the problem of informal debt. or other problems that cannot be resolved on your own. and need help from the government You can contact us through the Ministry of Interior’s Damrongtham Center. Both the provincial Damrongtham Center Damrongtham District Center Or call the hotline 1567, where there will be service personnel available 24 hours a day to help the people. which is the mission of the Ministry of Interior to “cure suffering, promote happiness” Mr. Suthiphong Said at the end.

Interior Ministry reveals progress in solving the problem of informal debt. 45,753 people have entered the debt mediation process. 26,716 people were able to mediate successfully. Debt amount decreased by 1,048 million baht. Emphasis is placed on all provinces expediting the process of debt mediation to cover all cases.

Mr. Suthiphong Chulcharoen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, revealed that the Ministry of Interior has opened registration for citizens who wish for
the government to help solve the problem of informal debt in accordance with government policy. With a total of 153,400 people registering, the Ministry of Interior has informed all provinces and districts to continue solving the problem of informal debt by inviting creditors and debtors to enter into the debt mediation process.

At 3:00 p.m., the Bureau of Investigation and Legal Affairs, Department of Provincial Administration, reported information on debt mediation nationwide. A total of 45,753 debtors have entered the mediation process, with 26,716 successfully mediating. The total amount of debt has decreased by 1,048.183 million baht. There are 384 cases where creditors-debtors wish for officials to forward the matter to police investigators at local police stations for prosecution.

The five provinces that can invite creditors and debtors into the debt mediation process are 1. Songkhla Province, 4,378 cases, 2. Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, 4,146 cases, 3. Sisaket Province, 3,283 cases, 4. Nakhon Sawan
Province, 2,669 cases, and 5. Nakhon Ratchasima Province, 2,270 cases. Creditors and debtors met to talk. with officials as mediators And after this, the relevant agencies will follow up after the debt negotiation. In order to solve the problem of informal debt problems, the entire process will be successful.

‘About solving the problem of informal debt problems throughout the country. Today, Songkhla Province is still the province with the most debtors entering the mediation process, with 4,378 cases, and 4 provinces, namely Nakhon Sawan, Sisaket, Narathiwat, and Ranong, have completed the mediation process with 100% of those who have registered. Therefore, we request all provinces that Remaining integrated with network partner agencies Expedite creditors and debtors to enter into the mediation negotiation process in all cases. To enable registered informal debtors to receive help and resolve their informal debt problems quickly and fairly. And the success of mediation in every case must be taken into accoun
t. If mediation cannot be used Immediately prosecute those who commit illegal acts. Because informal debt is considered illegal, meaning lending without a license. They also charge interest in excess of what is required by law,’ Mr. Suthipong added.

Mr. Suthiphong further said that he asked the provincial governor to set up a debt resolution clinic. Ready to emphasize to instruct the district chief. Assigned the District Community Development Office As secretary to the executive committee of the Center for Operations to Eliminate Poverty and Develop People of All Ages in accordance with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy at the district level (S.C.P.O.), implement solutions to solve problems and develop people of all ages sustainably (menu Solve poverty) to improve the quality of life for debtors who wish to receive assistance to reduce expenses, increase income, expand opportunities, as well as promote group formation to further create careers. Including the opportunity to access funding sources from govern
ment financial institutions. In order not to return to the cycle of informal debt. and be able to rely on themselves according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy So that people can improve their quality of life in a sustainable way.

‘Although registration for resolving problems with informal debt has already been closed, However, the debt mediation process And improving the quality of life of the people is not yet finished. Ask provincial governors and district chiefs to carry out public relations campaigns to create awareness among citizens who are suffering from the problem of informal debt. or other problems that cannot be resolved on your own. and need help from the government You can contact us through the Ministry of Interior’s Damrongtham Center. Both the provincial Damrongtham Center Damrongtham District Center Or call the hotline 1567, where there will be service personnel available 24 hours a day to help the people. which is the mission of the Ministry of Interior to “cure suffering, promote
happiness” Mr. Suthiphong Said at the end.
Source: Thai News Agency