to issue an arrest warrant for someone close to helping ‘Am Cyanide’


issuing an arrest warrant for someone close to “police” involved in helping “Am Cyanide” and requesting a court search warrant for the source of cyanide. “Big Joke” admits to flawed justice. Causing many more deaths

Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakpal, deputy police commissioner in charge of investigative work. Investigative police meeting Provincial Police Region 7, Provincial Police Region 4, Crime Suppression Division Probation Division and related units to follow up on the progress of the ‘Am Cyanide’ case

Police General Surachet Indicates that this case has progressed a lot. Today, a meeting has been called to speed up the investigation of all cases. In which 14 people died, 1 survived. Recently, Am has issued arrest warrants for 10 cases for which charges have already been reported. and sequestered himself according to the legal process Currently, there are 4 cases left in the process of collecting evidence. and investigation in order to prosecute the accused completely

The police are currently investigating evidence linking one close person involved and conspiring to commit the crime. It is clear about the accomplice or support in helping Or jointly commit an offense with “Am” this time as well Initially, from the evidence, it was found that it was 1 “policeman” and was considered a close person who had previously been called for interrogation. from the examination found that There is a financial route, using the phone. and other behaviors clearly linked Initially, the police had clear evidence. The police will ask the court to issue an arrest warrant within 1-2 days.

The source of cyanide has also been found in the Bangkok area. The police have requested a search warrant from the court. along with coordinating with the Director General of the Department of Industrial Works and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to investigate the importation of such toxic substances Lat Krabang area The importing company must specify the purpose of importing. And there is a way to control this toxin from leaking out. Including not allowing it to be used for other purposes If wrongdoing is found, the importer will be prosecuted as well.

As for the crime plot, they are all the same, linking Am as the perpetrator. There are cyanide in food, water and herbs to prevent COVID. for the victim to eat Financial audit section Got all the information

For the case of Mr. Dae After this, if evidence is found that Collaborate with Am to separate prosecution into another case Even though Mr. Dae has passed away. The police will prosecute the offenders. but because the person is already dead Legally, the prosecution is final.

As for the case where “Am” used to sell life insurance, In the process of checking the insured person whether the status is still alive or not And if death, who benefits from death? Including the car pledge process And the case of Ms. Monthathip Kao-In or “Sai” who died in the area of Thonglor Police Station is currently under investigation. Ready to admit that past cases, such as the case of “Inspector Crab” or Pol. Lt. Col. Ying Nipa Saenchan, had flaws despite the result that “Cyanide was found” but no prosecution was taken. which is considered defective After this, the process must be adjusted. An autopsy will be performed on all corpses that have died unnaturally. Even relatives are not impressed

From the plot, it was found that They are all the same format. Which links to “Am” confirming that the police have clear evidence, the court therefore approved an arrest warrant Even in many cases where the deceased has cremated But has not yet asked to disclose because it is in the case.

There is information from many parts that there are people who have contacted “Am” and died. which is investigating whether there are any more victims If there are any deceased relatives who have met and drank and eaten food from “Am”, they can contact them at the police club.

Ready to accept the case that occurs as a flaw in the justice process that did not have an autopsy according to the process resulting in many more deaths national police chief Therefore instructed investigators and station heads to perform post-mortem examinations in all cases of unnatural deaths, such as acute heart failure. Green hands and nails Even in the case that relatives are not suspicious of the cause of death to prevent repeating events The practice guidelines for investigators and doctors already have rules and regulations. But for some cases in the past, we had to be sympathetic to investigators in remote areas. who also had problems moving the body for autopsy

Source: Thai News Agency