The Senate President emphasized that he would act neutrally and never be self-centered.

Internal Affairs

The Senate President emphasized that he would act neutrally, remain indifferent, and never be self-absorbed. He cleared the air with the Senators about the suspension of their speech in the parliament because it took up other people’s time. He pointed out that different opinions are not considered division, but rather beautiful. Meanwhile, “Kriangkrai” admitted that as a newcomer, he could not please everyone and had to adhere to the rules.

Mr. Mongkol Surassajja, President of the Senate, together with General Kriangkrai Srirak, First Vice President of the Senate, and Mr. Boonsong Noisophon, Second Vice President of the Senate, joined a discussion on the direction of the work of the President of the Senate and Vice Presidents of the Senate, which was attended by senators and the media.

The Senate President said that he never gets tired of listening to senators speak because the more he listens, the more knowledge he gains. Many senators are knowledgeable in various fields, sometimes even more than him. He
emphasized that the person who acts as the president must always be aware of being indifferent. Each senator can think, not necessarily think the same. They can think differently. Thinking differently is beautiful, like a variety of flowers that think differently and are divided. Therefore, the president must be indifferent, meaning not angry, not hateful, accepting and not being self-deluded. Because if they are, they will use their power as if they are superior. Therefore, sometimes they have to pause some people during debates in the parliament. He apologized and would like to say frankly that if it is not really necessary, he will not pause. Sometimes what the senators say is useful but too long and takes up other people’s time, so he has to pause. He apologized. He also stated that the important thing in living together is to respect each other and when the time comes, we have to talk. He is ready to talk, not to concentrate power in oneself or listen to only what he wants to hear. He considers meeting w
ith senators and the media a blessing. He emphasized that the center of us is the nation, religion, the monarchy and the happiness of the Thai people. Therefore, if he has done something that displeases him or there is something wrong, he can criticize and criticize. He is happy to accept it and will do his best.

For the goal of driving the Senate’s mission, the Senate President emphasized that the work is based on the mission of the country. As for personal matters, when performing duties, they must be cut out. You must be willing to sacrifice time, devote time because there are two generations of people: one generation is 40-50 years old, a contemporary with a lot of experience. And I consider myself the last generation to do something. There is no excuse for what went wrong. Therefore, what must be done must be done honestly. This is the most important goal.

General Kriangkrai Srirak, the Vice President of the Senate, began by stating that he wished for peace to be upon all of us, and recounted the conte
xt of his life as a civil servant for over 30 years. His role took another turn in his life when he became a Senator. He did not intend to hold the position of Vice President of the Senate, but rather wanted to be a Senator to help create peace in the southern border provinces, and did not want to be a member of the House of Representatives. This was beyond his expectations, as he was able to fulfill his duties as Vice President of the Senate. However, once he was elected, he would do his best as assigned by the Senate President. Although fellow members may sometimes be dissatisfied, he could not please everyone. We were all new drivers. We studied the rules and regulations, so there were bound to be shortcomings. However, during the performance of his duties as President, he had to adhere to the rules and regulations. He listened carefully to members and gained many benefits because he came from 20 professional groups.

‘Sometimes I want to discuss, for example, Dr. Premsak talked about the floods, I wanted
to talk about it too, but I couldn’t, according to my role and duty. After stepping down from the throne, I came to pour out with the members, but it is an experience. Everyone can criticize and praise at all times, and is ready to listen to different opinions. In the next 5 years, I believe that I will be able to increase my knowledge and I will do my best,’ said General Kriangkrai.

General Kriangkrai emphasized that the Senate will work effectively and for the people. He believes that the Senate intends to create works for the people and we are considered a part of this council. He wants everyone to live together happily. If you want to live together in society, don’t love what they hate and don’t hate what they love. Taking action is the answer.

While Mr. Boonsong Noisophon, the second vice president of the Senate, said that he was used to it. When he saw the faces of the media at the EC, he had been asked tough questions since he was an EC member. Giving interviews was one of the reasons he became the v
ice president of the Senate. We must use the same laws, constitution, organic laws, and regulations. Performing duties on the throne must be done with caution. There were many times when he wanted to say that he was on the throne but could not.

‘We are all newbies. It is something that we have to be careful about, even when it comes to keeping time when speaking. Sometimes, after speaking, we cannot find a way out. Sometimes, the discussion has to be about the real suffering of the people. If I tell them too much, they will think that I am too strict. If I continue working, we will become closer. I would like to thank all members for their cooperation,’ said Mr. Boonsong.

Mr. Boonsong added that for the media, there was nothing to say. He asked them to elaborate on the urgent missions of the government. He saw that many issues affected the interests of the country. The first issue was the opening of the entertainment complex and the 99-year land lease.

“It’s a serious matter. We will have to talk about it
for a long time. In the government’s policy statement, we should ask. We should point out how it’s not right. Our Senate should not agree. 99 years, we are not a colony. We want to be like Hong Kong or Macau. We are not. Let me leave a message to the media. We should set it as a question to answer society and the people,” said Mr. Boonsong.

Mr. Boonsong reiterated to the media that he wanted to know the origins of his Senate and whether it should be improved or changed.

Reporters reported that while waiting for the Senate president to enter the meeting room to exchange opinions with the media, it turned out that water was continuously leaking from the ceiling where the senators were sitting, splashing onto the senators sitting nearby, causing them to immediately move their chairs to escape the leak. -312.

Source: Thai News Agency