The Royal Forest Department moves forward to invite forest planting to reduce global warming.


Bangkok: The Royal Forest Department is moving forward with an invitation to plant forests in the auspicious year of His Majesty King Rama X’s 6th birthday, receiving 2 million seedlings at nursery stations throughout the country.

Mr. Surachai Ajalaboon, Director-General of the Royal Forest Department Speaking while attending the activity ‘Love Tree Festival Cooling off the heat for the year 2024’ that right now our world is getting hotter every day. For example, this year is very hot. If the hot weather increases by 1 degree, it will cause many changes, including germs, diseases, insects, and various problems that affect the environment. Biodiversity and all aspects are enormous. Therefore, do not let the parents Invite your children to learn about planting trees. Starting with planting around the house. To help take care of the weather Increase moisture

This year is an auspicious year. Celebrating the 6th cycle birthday of His Majesty King Rama X on July 28, 2024, the Royal Forest Department is inviting t
he public to receive 2 million tree saplings for free nationwide. to be cultivated in their own area Or public areas, temples, communities, can be picked up at nursery stations throughout the country, centrally, can be picked up at the Royal Forest Department. At this event, many agencies, including the Forest Department, National Parks Department, Wildlife Department, Land Development Department, came to set up booths to campaign for all groups of people. plant trees together To fill the whole country.

Source: Thai News Agency