The result of the negotiations with Captain Cyber ??and his fifth wife ended well. Both sides were satisfied.


Captain Cyber Hurry to negotiate with his 5th wife in front of his superiors. Give up one step at a time The results were satisfactory for both sides, while the secret book “Doraemon” that the wife kept to threaten the husband was still a mystery and had to be extended further.

Wife of “Police Lieutenant Colonel” belonging to the Technology Crime Investigation Division 3 along with Mr. Kanthat. Pongpaiboonwet or “Kan Jompalang” came to the Technology Crime Investigation Police Division 3 to negotiate with the captain, who is her husband, and make an agreement to take care of their five children, including daily living expenses. Tuition fees and child’s medical expenses After yesterday she went to file a complaint at the Royal Thai Police Office that she had been physically assaulted by her husband. and abandoned for 2 months

‘Gun Jom Phalang’ said that after going to talk and negotiate a mutual agreement between the two sides with the male commander Go in as a mediator to negotiate and talk with. Initially,
there was information that the man had money problems. It was a debt in the system. After negotiating, both sides agreed to take a step back. Turn back to being the father and mother of your child. They will live separately and allow the man to come look for the child during weekends. As for the eldest son who was found to be a special child and have symptoms of illness For this part, the father must help take responsibility. including himself will coordinate with the Department of Children’s Affairs Ministry of Social Development and Human Security Please help take care of me. At this time, documents are being drafted on how to agree on assistance.

For the book of agreement, the conclusion is The husband must be responsible for the monthly house payment of 20,000 baht, paid every 12th of the month, and family expenses of 30,000 baht per month, paid every 25th of the month. There are supervisors who help with this part as well. Agreeing to care for children regarding tuition fees Sharing the burden of raisin
g children Including when he is sick, his father’s medical expenses will be taken care of. As for meeting the child Her husband comes to see her every Saturday and Sunday. which the wife did not prevent

As for the case where the husband ran away from home for 2 months, the man explained that it was because he did not want to argue with his wife in front of the children. This part sees that everyone has their own reasons. However, It is seen that the duty of a father is to take responsibility for taking care of the child, for which both sides have now apologized to each other.

The wife said that after talking and negotiating The agreement is satisfied at a certain level. If it is as the adults promised, there will be no concerns about the responsibility of taking care of the children. Which says that right now satisfaction is still at a medium level, we have to keep watching. As for the relationship with the husband Now we can talk about children normally. Returning to the duties of only father and mother As
for the issue, the husband said that he was mentally ill. I admit that I actually consulted a psychiatrist. which the doctor diagnosed as a symptom caused by stress If left untreated, it may result in long-term depression. or can be a psychiatrist But right now it’s not to the point of being mentally ill. This matter can be checked with the doctor.

As for the previous case, her own mother came out to protect the man because of love and family ties that had existed for a long time. But his own mother didn’t come together at home at all. causing them to not know what was going on within the family For this case, it may not be the only issue of family problems after Mr. Gun Jom Phalang revealed information about the Doraemon notebook that the police officer’s wife found at home, which Gun Jom Phalang revealed some of the contents of the notebook. Doraemon As announced If you don’t contact me, I will open it. The “Doraemon Book” that has been opened will cause hundreds of people to suffer. It’s called the Doraem
on book. Because there is every information in this book.

Gun Jompalang stated that in this Doraemon book it is about the gray business that is a desktop computer in business operations. Initially, the information was sent to the local police for investigation. In addition, there are 100 names of related persons in the said book, among which there are big names. that everyone knows Even when I saw it myself I was shocked.

However, this information has not been fully disclosed and will be kept in a safe place. Because they think that if this police information falls into the wrong hands There may be improper exploitation. and assess that the names of people in the book may be used for extortion The estimated value of which is not less than 100 million baht.

Gun Jom Phalang emphasizes that he is a helper, not an exposer. He is confident that he will definitely not use the information in this book for his own benefit. He also stated that the Doraemon book has information on more than 80 police stations throug
hout the country. There are all sorts of unknown numbers. Before telling the example that there is a phone number. I took the number and searched for it and it came up as “Senior Provincial Police Office’s subordinate” and “Police Clearance Team”.

As for the evidence that Gun Jom Phalang revealed today, there is a receipt that states the type, such as boxing, cabinet/shrimp fishing pond, online football cabinet, and Sic Bo, which includes telephone numbers. and the amount is clearly specified From thousands to tens of thousands In this sample sheet, the maximum amount is 30,000 baht, which is the clearing of cabinet bets. Both online football cabinets clear 20,000 baht, Sic Bo clear 10,000 baht, etc.

Source: Thai News Agency