The Prime Minister orders an investigation into the matter of the Director-General of the Rice Department being slapped with assets.

Internal Affairs

Government House, Insider meeting opened, Prime Minister orders investigation into the matter. Director-General of the Rice Department was slapped with assets Give fairness to all parties. “Piraphan” is confused, saying that the police raided and arrested “Jeng Dokjik”, pointing out that he did not respect the place.

News reports from the Cabinet meeting (Cabinet) revealed that in today’s Cabinet meeting (January 30), Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chairing the meeting He gave orders to the meeting on 4 matters, but while giving orders on the 3rd matter, it is almost completed. The Prime Minister spoke about Issues that are in the news is the story of the arrest of a group of school singers who was accused of trying to extort money, the Director-General of the Rice Department said that From the events that appeared in the media This matter needs to be investigated. and provide fairness to all parties Later entered Order number 4 until completed.

This caused Capt. Thammanat Phro
mphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, to speak up and say that the matter had happened. An audit committee has been set up. When Capt. Thammanat finished speaking, Mr. Peeraphan Saleerathaviphak, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Energy and the leader of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party Speak up immediately in a serious tone, in the sense that it is not okay to make arrests at Government House. This place is the face of the government. Disrespectful to the place Why did when he went to arrest (Mr. Srisuwan Janraya) the police with the rank of general brought their forces to arrest him? On the afternoon of the arrest (Mr. Yoswarit Chuklom), a police officer with the rank of Police Colonel came to arrest him, even though the police followed him from his house. Since morning Why didn’t he arrest him then?

‘In this matter, we must not lose sight of the issue. Who is wrong and who is right? All sides must be investigated. The Prime Minister is also the commander of the police. This matter is conside
red inappropriate and disrespectful to the place.’

During the period that Mr. Peeraphan Talking until finished There are no other ministers. Present another opinion by some ministers Reading the meeting agenda Some people look down at their mobile phones. When no additional comments were presented, the Prime Minister turned to the Cabinet Secretary to proceed with the agenda as usual, with Mrs. Monporn Charoensri, Deputy Minister of Transport. As a Cabinet whip. Presented the agenda for fisheries laws and followed other Cabinet agendas. Until the end of the Cabinet meeting..

Source: Thai News Agency